After 8 months of research, sourcing and blood, sweat and tears (not included!), I’ve finally opened my little store on the interwebs!
Making body butters is a favourite hobby of mine and I had the idea to open a small shop after some of my friends and family commented on the butters saying that they loved it. Being an organic/natural product fan, I decided to get all my ingredients from organic farmers/companies all over Europe and Africa;  a process which took and extremely long time, used loads of international calling minutes and left loads of “we were here” cards from the postman! 
Shea butter is the main ingredient I use and can be used on dry, oily and sensitive skin. Now, the labels aren’t done right (the printers messed up the colours AND the name! Boo) and there’s still so much to order and do but I thought i’d open it up for now as Winter’s a’ comin. 
All the butters are paraben and sulphate free and have not been tested on animals (next door’s cat wouldn’t stay still long enough) of course. 
I’m starting off with body butters for now and hopefully will be on bath milks and body scrubs by next year!
I know i’ve been a bit vague, but there’s more info on the website! I hope you like it and if you have any questions, please comment below!


October 23, 2012


Natural Nerds is Open! =)

  1. Tattooed Tealady says:

    Want. Want. Want. Want. WANT! xo

  2. G A B Y says:

    Oh wow, I admire you for getting your shea butter from organic farmers, awesome! NOW I WANT SOME ahahah

  3. sharon p says:

    Awesome. Wanna try ur butters love shea butter!

  4. steph says:

    Thanks so much guys!

  5. Joy says:

    Well done! I've wanted to try your butter since I start following your blog!

  6. Oh wow!! I totally want some!! Well done and hope it all works out well for you xx

  7. Yesssss! Love this! x

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