I have a question/query to ask you folks:

Where Can I Get Decent Storage for Make-Up?
My makeup collection is growing considerably and because I have an extremely tiny room, I need as much space as possible and at the moment, I have two big, square translucent boxes that my makeup is stored in, however they take up far too much space and are quite impractical!

  A shoddy mess!
I’ve tried IKEA, both online and in-store, but they don’t have the type of drawers/storage I need. I’ve been to Primark, Allders, Debenhams, erm Wilkinsons and Homebase, but to no avail!
 I need:

 – Something that isn’t too big or space consuming
– Preferably for it to have up to 4 tiers or various compartments (chest of drawers-type storage)

Does anyone know of any place where I can get suitable storage? Recommendations mucho appreciated!


October 25, 2010


Storage Dilemma!

  1. Sankofa says:

    Have you tried Argos? They sometimes have those tall, plastic drawer/ stand thingies. Good luck! Love the blog btw

  2. Chantal says:

    the container store…they have several storage solutions

  3. Have your tried this page….. they are tiered storage boxes/drawers!

  4. Have you tried this page (see below) they are stackable boxes/drawer configurations with separators that you can purchase……


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