It’s that time of year again! Christmas. mulled wine, roast potatoes, a fat turkey, Chestnuts roasting on an open fire and all that jazz. The only time of the year where gluttony is accepted. I don’t really celebrate Christmas anymore because the whole ‘consumerism’ issue, however I do eat LOAADS, so this year, in lieu of my upcoming Graduation in January, I’ve decided to go on a little diet to lose a few pounds.
Now i’ve tried EVERYTHING from Atkins to that weird Lemonade/Cayenne Pepper diet (which only lasted 7 hours before I said “SCREW THIS” and proceeded to devour an entire Shephards Pie ^_^) and none have worked. I even tried that Lighter Life liquid diet for a week, in which I lost 8 pounds, however those liquid diets are quite intense as well as being UBER EXPENSIVE (£63 per WEEK), and so i’m right back to where I started!
I’ll be the first to admit. I have terrible Will Power. I get hyped up for about a week, then forget it by the next week. But THIS TIME, i’m very very determined!! I think the key to dieting is first thinking about your specific eating and working out habits: for example, I don’t eat consistently. I don’t remember the last time I had breakfast, I snack on sugary things a LOT for energy and then I have my main meal really late at night, around 9/10pm. So essentially I only eat one meal a day. My exercise consists of walking everywhere, which is sufficient I guess, but I want to incorperate a more cardiovascular element to it.
So… diet begins this Wednesday and I HAVE to be 100% focused and committed. I’ve joined my local “Slimming World” group for food tips and moral support and all that jazz, and for a workout, I will be using my Wii Fit everyday for 30 mins. I want to get a fitness DVD as well though, to accompany it!
Let the dedication begin!

Does anyone know any effective work out DVDs or food tips? Would be greatly appreciated!!
Peeeeeeeace xxx