You guys may already know by now, but there’s a new budget makeup brand on the scene: Freedom Makeup! Freedom Makeup is a professional makeup brand brought to you by the creators of Makeup Revolution and has a similar price point to the aforementioned. Being the lippie fiend I am, I decided to purchase their Far Away Galaxy collection: a group of five intergalactic themed ‘out there’ lipsticks and two red lipsticks from the Red collection, all a steal at £1 each.

In order, they are:
The Sith (Far Away Collection – violet)
Fever (Pro Reds Collection – cool red)
Make Me Crazy (Pro Reds Collection – orange toned red)
Storm Trooper (Far Away Collection – sheer gold)
Space Luxe (Far Away Collection – NOT PICTURED ABOVE…i forgot. Apologies!- Navy Blue)
Storm Trooper (Far Away Collection – Pure matte white)
Skywalker (Far Away Collection – gunmetal grey)
I think I have the right names for the right shades; one flaw with the lipstick are that the names are on the caps instead of the actual holder so if you take more than one lipstick cap off (like I did to take the photos above), you’ll end up forgetting which name goes with which!
So let’s discuss the positive first. On one hand, I love the variety of colours available within the lipstick collection in general. Sure they aren’t your typical everyday colours, but it’s great to have the option to mix and match, or even try out something new for an event or a different look, so I commend the brand on that front!
On the other hand, there’s the pigmentation and texture. While the texture feels somewhat okay on, I found it practically impossible to remove (See the last photo!). The shades remind me of glitter nail polish; pretty once on, but resilient. I tried using cleansing water, no avail. I tried make up removal cream, no budge. I tried an oil based cleanser, NOPE! In the end, I had to resort to using olive oil to remove the lipstick – this ended up with me having quite sore lips 🙁 .
Even though the lipstick is hard to remove, it stains pretty badly, especially the red colours so be aware of that when purchasing. The lipsticks do not dry on the lips so it makes it a tad awkward when rubbing my lips together and eating/drinking.
While I do love the colours of the lipsticks, I do think some work needs to be done in regards to the consistency; perhaps adding beeswax for moisture? In any case, I’m excited to try out more of the range, especially the red colours as they are just dazzling!

Have you guys tried anything from Freedom Makeup yet?

Beauty, Uncategorized

June 25, 2015


Freedom Makeup – The Far Away Galaxy Collection

  1. Hanna R says:

    Wow, those colours are amazing! I love the red ones. Too bad about the difficulty of removing the lipstick though – that’s the reason I rarely use glitter nail polish, I just don’t have the patience! Have a great weekend. xx

  2. Nina Paques says:

    what color are you wearing in the last pic ?

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