I’ve never been that big on Mac products to be honest – While I understand the camaraderie of the various Mac collection releases, on a whole I do think they are hideously overpriced so aside from my cult products, I don’t really shop there – In fact, this will be the first time I’ve bought anything from there in over 2 years!
The items you see above are all repurchases, save for Nightmoth (£12.50), which has been on my beauty wishlist for the last 4 years; I’ve just been too much for a tight, lazy git to actually get it until now. I remember seeing beauty vlogger Shirley B Eniang wear a combination of Nightmoth with her Ruby Woo and it looked absolutely amazing and from there I told myself that I needed it for all the reasons. 
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Nightmoth is described as a ‘blackened plum’ and is a very deep dark wine burgundy colour with strong red undertones. It’s a gorgeous colour that goes well with Ruby Woo and Rebel if you’re after a vampy-vixen look. I normally never use lipliner so this will take a little getting used to as I’ve been making a pigs’ ear of it lately, however I’m sure to get better with practice.
I also made a repurchase of the cult colour Ruby Woo (£15.50), which is now a must have for my makeup bag. Me and Ruby didn’t quite get on in the beginning as I found her too drying; but now we’ve worked out a compromise and have become the best of friends. 
Touch (15.50) is my all time favourite nude shade. Ever. To date I haven’t found a shade to top it yet, which is a shame because I really don’t feel like shelling out £15 each time (yes, I am cheap. I embrace it :P). Touch is a creamy, full colour browned nude with a glossy sheen and looks AMAZING on darker skin tones. I used to be a rose-nude kinda gal back in the day, however now I’m all about the browns. One of these days, I may just bulk buy this particular shade in case they ever run out (unlikely, but still, you never know!).
Last but not least is my favourite foundation of all time – Matchmaster (£28.00). I’ve tried all types of foundations, and even though most of them have been amazing, I always come back to my comfort zone, which is this one. I just love it. It matches my skintone EXACTLY; a rare feat you often find with darker skinned ladies. I get this in shade 9.0, which is the darkest shade; I distinctly remember them going up to 10.0 however it seems to have been discontinued – tut tut!
I normally use light coverage foundation, but I can afford to go medium with this as it blends in so effortlessly, with minimal to no shine around my oily T-zone. It contains SPF 15 and dries with a semi-matte finish. The foundation is apparently not ‘photography friendly’ as it doesn’t include any magical HD finish chemicals however I think you can get away with it in photos. The formula isn’t heavy or watery and have a wear time of about 8 hours or so. 
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Mac Matchmaster (9.0)
Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Powder in Deep Dark


MAC Ruby Woo / MAC Nightmoth lip liner
MAC Touch / MAC Burgundy lip liner

Beauty, Uncategorized

January 26, 2015


Return of the MAC

  1. Looking gorgeous! Love that you've shown the products on as well in the packaging, its always good to see proper swatches and what they look like on isnt it. I feel the same about MAC as you do. I'm just not a sucker for the hype but remember when I first started blogging and it was the 'in thing' to have! The prices of the products just keep going up and up but nothing else changes to warrant it! Have you tried the lippy 'Up The Amp'? I think it would look beautiful on you xxx

    • steph says:

      Awww thank you so much love! I always try to include swatches/what it looks like on as I think it helps an AWFUL lot to see a true colour, even if it is on a different skin tone. And yes it's so ridiculously overpriced – as SOON as they make dupes for these lip colours, it's bye bye mac – LOL! I've never tried up the amp but I may consider it – you're very kind! <3

  2. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    It's annoying innit?! What do you use?

  3. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    They are amazing!

  4. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    The radiance oil is AMAZING. What's great about it is that its' great for all skintones and doesn't leave that 'greaseball' feeling like some other oils do; it's almost like a dry oil.

  5. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    They are lovely right? It's a shame Sephora have discontinued them. 🙁

  6. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    Ambering rose is lovely <3 Definitely get it!

  7. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    How am I only just seeing this?! Thank you!

  8. Zarina says:

    Hi dear! I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award over on my blog! I’d love for you to check the tag out on my blog and answer my questions! Congratulations and keep doing what you’re doing, I love your posts! xoxo

  9. Christerline says:

    I'm a true MAC lover but like you said all theses new collections are ridiculous and overpriced. Touch was the first ever lipstick I got from the brand, I love it so much, it makes my natural lips color show up more.

  10. *slight giggle*

    Yeah their collections are just overpriced and they seem to release collections every other bloody week – slight exaggeration. All they mostly do is bring back an old LE lipstick and repackage it to suit the collection. IDK I've never been one to be sucked into their collections if honest. I can take or leave MAC for myself.

    Nightmoth – love it. I know what you mean though. Makeup is so expensive and you look and think 'how much for a lip pencil?' lol yet if you don't use it all the time you'll get your £1000 worth out of it. Such a nice colour.

    Their foundations – dumb dumb dumb of them to discontinue shades. Also I've not got on with much of their foundations mostly cos they want me to mix foundations or look like an orange but I do find that they can break me out. I do like their Face + Body though.

    P.S. Thanks for the kiss ha! xo

  11. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    WHYYYYY am I only just seeing this now?! OMG thank you haha, I'm going to check it out!

  12. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    Touch is so gorgeous right?! I'm so sorry for only replying now, I didn't receive the notifications for this! xxx

  13. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    omg I just saw this comment now SMH.

    Yeah MAC is beginning to be a bit played out for me now. If I could find the exact foundation shade and a dupe of Ruby Woo somewhere else, I would definitely change!

    I'm LOVING Nightmoth but these days I tend to use it more with Rebel than with Ruby Woo – I'm tryna be all vampy and stuff. 😀

    I've yet to try face and body but I've heard nothing but good things about it!

  14. I haven't purchased from them in a while. The Face & Body I know people love it and I had bottles too. I decided against getting them for my kit though, got the MUFE ones instead.

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