It happens every year to all of us doesn’t it? The second the clock hits 12am, we start with the resolutions, the ‘brand new beginnings’ and long list of New Year Goals – which probably lasts for about 6 months before the “meh”-isms set in. At the end of last year, I condensed my New Year’s goals into one simple statement; to be happy.

2014 has probably been the most important year of my life, mainly because it has been the year that I have finally discovered a sense of confidence and self esteem and while I still have a very long way to go, I couldn’t be more happier with the way things are going. Some of you may already know that I have struggled with zero self confidence, crippling self esteem and body issues my whole life and I think 2014 was the year that I finally declared ‘fuck this’ and decided to branch out and introduce the style section to my blog. It was truly the best thing I ever decided to do!

This year has seen my blog go from strength to strength, while offering little ole’ me amazing oppurtunites such as modeling for Simply Be’s Blogger’s Festival collection, to appearing in articles in the Daily Mail and
I have met and befriended amazing bloggers this year who have all inspired and given me the advice and confidence needed to believe in, and stay true to myself. I feel like I have really developed a sense of who I am and this year I feel like I have learned, and am still learning about integrity and self love, ending old chapters and not being afraid to begin new ones, the concept of change, learning to let things go, love, and not being afraid to take oppurtunities.

This year, for what may probably be the first time ever, I have achieved my goal of finally being happy and grateful for everything that comes. In 2014 I have gained; amazing friends, a gorgeous, awesome and totally supportive boyfriend, an awesome (albeit creepy!) job and a sense of calm and stability in my life that has been so rare and unpredictable up until now. I’m happy. 🙂

Now that we have all the sentimental stuff out of the way, let’s get on to my favourite outfits of this past year! I would love to say a huge THANK YOU to all the brands that I have collaborated with this year and here’s hoping that in 2015, I can make my little corner of the internets into something even more special!


Style, Uncategorized

January 1, 2015


2014: Style Roundup & Thoughts

  1. I also follow you in instagram.I my favorite out is the floral dress from Asos. I am kinda obsessed with floral prints and head bands. Check out my blog ,, I am also from London.

  2. Natty Nikki says:

    Your outfits have been awesome this year and you really made me want to order the drop peplum dress from Simply Be! xx

  3. Ai says:

    You looked so amazing all year, really jealous!

  4. Awww, you certainly did grow a lot last year and your only going to continue this year to get stronger, wiser and just more of a fucking awesome dudette. Hope to see you SOOON xo

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