Did I go out wearing those Micky Mouse ears. Hell yes I did. T’was a throwback from last Halloween that I randomly found and decided to don it for the days’ activities. I was in the mood for something Springy and flirty, yet tough, so I opted for this lovely cut out skater dress from Simply Be and paired it with my trusty leather jacket and boots. You’ll see a lot of repetition on here when it comes to my style. I’m one of those people who’ll wear something to death in order to get my money’s worth i.e the leather jacket and shoes.

I really do feel as if i’m coming into my own with this fashion thing. Before, my style was very casual – jeans, T-shirts and the odd leggings, however I find that I’m buying more and more skirts and dress than ever before. I is a woman now!

Also, please ignore my garden, we’re currently in the middle of a huge redecoration so it looks a bit like Mordor at the moment. 😀


Cut Out Skater Dress – Simply Be
Leather Jacket – Old Season ASOS. Similar here
Felt Micky Mouse Ears – Amazon
Boots – Primark, Similar here


March 22, 2014


L'enfent Terrible.

  1. LOVING the Mickey ears. I'm pretty sure you're in the small handful of people who could actually make that look hot. Love the dress too. I just love the whole damn thing. Xx

  2. Betty Pamper says:

    Loving the ears and your style-from another comic book nerd xx

  3. Kitsch Fro says:

    ha ha the ears are great! x

  4. Nomali says:

    So cute. I Love it.

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