So I’ll admit that I was a little dubious about trying this product as it does seem a bit too good to be true. An intensive, moisturizing formula available via aerosol can? Hmm. My curiosity however got the better of me and so I purchased it a couple of months ago to try out.
According to the website, the sprays are supposed to ‘moisturise deeply and absorb in seconds to eave skin instantly smooth, soft and non- greasy.” So far, so good right? The formula is extremely light and reminds me of light hairspray foam, however when I rubbed it into my skin, it appeared to sink in incredibly quickly without really moisturizing my skin at all.
Here is where the problem lies; as someone with really dry skin, I like my moisturizers like I like my fry ups; as greasy as possible. I know that this is a negative for some, but my skin just seems to absorb the grease, making it all lovely, buttery and smooth. This formula sinks in a bit too quickly for my liking and moments later, my skin regains its “ash”, which is a huge no-no for me.
vaseline swatch
I do like the theory behind this; I do think it is a good idea, however I don’t think this is right for me. I’m going to be sticking to my ever trusty butters in future.
Have you guys tried this yet?
£4.99 | purchase from Boots here

Beauty, Uncategorized

December 16, 2013


Vaseline Spray & Go Body Moisturiser

  1. I've seen some good reviews on this but I don't think the people had dry skin as you do and in this weather you need that extra moisture. I keep passing this in boots -mmm'ing & ahh'ing- but pfft I know that feeling of wanting as much grease on the skin – my skin is like that – right now and it feels good the slip and knowing my skins been moisturised!

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