Last weekend, I was given the opportunity to attend the Maxitone consultation cafe event over at the Westfield shopping centre in Shepherds Bush for a great day of fitness and nutrition demos, fitness classes and exciting giveaways in aid to promote their ‘Thank You Protein’ campaign!

Before I unleash a plethora of photos, let me give you guys the skinny (see what I did there? You see it!) on the brand. Maxitone are an award winning subsidiary launched in 2010 by parent brand ‘MaxiNutrition’ and they specialize in female nutrition. They aim to provide nutritious and convenient protein solutions for active women in support of their exercise and body goals. Some of their products include protein shakes and bars, as well as food supplement bars and vitamin tablets.
Maxitone are currently running their ‘Thank You Protein’ campaign, which gives you guys the opportunity to inspire others with your achievements and say a little thank you to whomever, or whatever helped you reach your personal fitness goals, mini goals or have achieved something special! As I’m going through my own fitness journey at the moment, I decided this would be a great opportunity to pop along and get to know the brand/campaign a bit more!
On Saturday myself and a few other bloggers, including fitness vlogger Carly Rowena met up with Rosie and Martin from Best British Bloggers at the Maxitone pop up stand in the middle of Westfield Centre – it was a great chance for me to get to know some of the other bloggers as well as Rosie and Martin (who are awesome btw!), while getting to know more about the brand and how the products work. There were a variety of activities taking place throughout the day; from hourly bootcamp and workout sessions run by LA Fitness (which was hilarious – Martin and myself were the only ones wearing jeans so we hid at the back doing everything within out power to make sure that our jeans didn’t rip LOL), to product demonstrations, giveaways and a cool ‘Maxidash’ competition where prizes included an iPad, as well as special appearances from the English Netball team, Volleyball Team and Nike Fit!
*You’ll have to excuse my camera – for some reason the dimensions came out a bit dodgy!*




Le Human Pyramid!


Overall, it was such a fantastic day! Extremely informative, I left feeling motivated and inspired and the everyone I met was so lovely! Special shoutouts to Rosie, Martin and Emma for inviting/running the event and for being full of awesome!
The pop up stand will be running at Westfield for another week(until 14th February) so make sure you pop in if you’re nearby for one-to one nutritional advice and you can even try some of the products too!
Visit the Maxitone Site here

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

February 5, 2013


The Maxitone Consultation Cafe at Westfield!

  1. Elle Linton says:

    Hey Stephanie, you should check out the Nike Training UK Facebook page for free classes at the Nike Store on Mondays and Tuesdays (I teach tues)…I also have a health and fitness blog called keepitsimpElle …hopefully see you there 😉 Elle x

  2. Hi. This blog post was really good I am really looking forward to trying Sculptress. Check out my fitness blog maybe follow? Thanks.

    Rebecca xx

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