You see how my title rhymed? See what I did there? YOU SAW IT! 😉

So last week, I purchased a couple of items from Boux Avenue’s website after having a little natter with them on le Twitter. I’d never used Boux Avenue before, but i’ll definitely be purchasing again as I’ve fallen in love with nearly all of their items! 
Their bra sizes range from 30A – 40DD so there’s a bit of something for everyone. I was a bit wary at first seeing the prices as I thought that it’ll reflect on the quality of the underwear (prices start at around £8.00 for bras), however I’ve been positively surprised. The quality is really good – something which is very important especially if you’re quite busty up top like me! 
I also love how personable and efficient they are; my package came the day after I ordered in the cutest little box, complete with bright pink wrapping paper and scented rose petals. Adorable!
I chose to get the Chloe Lace bra set as I was in a pink sorta mood. This was reduced from £18 down to £8. Result =)

Pretty! I now use the petals for my underwear drawer. Gotta recycle!

Have you bought anything from Boux Avenue?


June 9, 2012


A Quick Boux Avenue Review

  1. Imo says:

    Pretty set, the range is more extensive than I imagined.

  2. I do like Boux Avenue and love the way they pack the items so cute. i never got petals though 🙁 lol xx

  3. steph says:

    @Imo yeah they have a great range and so many colours!

    @MissTinks lmao! Ahh maybe next time!

  4. Neil Campbell says:

    I was disappointed. The collection looks good, the fabrics and construction are also good, BUT not all of what they sell online is in stock, and their size 10 is more like 14. I also ended up paying £4.00 in postage for the privilege.

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