*le sigh*
When Glossybox first came out, it was a huge deal as the concept seemed oh so simple; sending out five sample products a month for a tenner. Seems simple enough, no? Although a great idea at the time, I feel as if Glossybox have kinda lost their way a bit. My biggest qualm with them? Their target audience.
On the website, there is a beauty profile you complete in order for the company to match up the best suited products for the customer. While I appreciate that there are a load of subscribers and that it’ll be virtually impossible to match each person with their perfect sample product, I still feel like they do not hit their target market at all.
I think (and a lot of people have suggested this on Twitter) that the customer should have a choice of what sort of box they want. Yes, we all love the element of surprise but not when you open up a box and find all the products to be anti-ageing products like I did. :-S
I recieved this month’s Glossybox this morning, which contained the following items: (note: I’ve taken all the photos using my iPhone this time, sorry for the quality!)

To be honest, nothing has really ‘blown’ me away here. I’ve seen that a lot of people recieved miniature mascaras and lipsticks in their packs; i’m not sure if I got bundled with a rogue box but I would have preferred the lippie lol!
I don’t think i’ll be getting a lot of use out of this month’s box and it’s a shame. I’m not a fan of any of the products above (apart from the Shu Uemura cleanser); if the boxes were slighty tailored to a certain type of consumer then it wouldn’t have been much of an issue but for now I’ve had to unsubscribe for the time being.

Have you recieved this month’s Glossybox?
What do you think of the products & Glossybox in general?


March 12, 2012


I Tried Glossybox…I tried…

  1. kelly marie says:

    waiting to see whats in mine when i'm home, would be good if we could choose what went in them!

  2. Inner Belle says:

    glad you posted this, nothing has blown me away since iv heard of them, hence no order! i was tempted again to subscribe to glossybox this months but this has made mmy mind up for me. what a waste of 120 a year! i could think of better ways of spending my money

  3. Naomi Rachel says:

    I was looking forward to getting this month's box but when I got it this morning I was disappointed. I received the same products as you (as well as the Lancome mascara) and just felt that the contents were not as strong as some of the other variations available. I have now cancelled my subscription because I always feel disappointed when I receive my box.

  4. I was gutted i didn't get the lipstick, but i am not sure if it would've suited me anyway. I like the box i got, but you're right – it can be so inconsistent. I really disliked the Feb box! x

  5. steph says:

    @TempSec I've heard a lot of people disliked the feb box as well! They really need to step their game up; especially since there is so much competition in the sample box game these days!

    @Innerbelle Yeah I wouldn't bother! It is generally a waste of dosh. 🙁

    @Naomi, I do think they should tailor the products to the customers, I agree – i feel disappointed too. 🙁

  6. Sian says:

    I know what you mean. I loved my first Glossybox but after getting anti-aging creams and foot creams in my second box I just unsubscribed. I like your idea of having some input into what goes in your box, at least then it feels like money hasn't been wasted. 🙂 xx

  7. So agree, the products should be more tailored I cancelled after this month box, mine was full with nothing I have used. I might try the Beauty Army box next, you can chose the samples you want :o)

    Over on my blog I am having a MAC lipstick give away, chose the MAC lipstick in the colour of your choice


  8. The last box I truly liked was Decemeber. I'm fed up of seeing the Clarin's products, I was quite disappointed with this one being a Limited Edition box the 'London Fashion Week' one was bleh too in Feb.

    I didn't use anything from this box I don't think. Febs I've only used the Dr Bronner's soap.

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