..no not the group Busted…although I LOVE this song!
I thought i’ll put up a quick post to say that unfortunately, I won’t be posting for a few days as I seem to have mysteriously acquired some nerve damage in my left hand, which is also conveniently my writing hand. X_X 
Bummer, I know! It’s doubly strange as I have NO idea how this came about in the first place. 
Ahh, such is life I ‘spose. 
I have to do a few tests and then perhaps some minor surgery to fix the damage; I thought about posting with my right hand in the mean time, however seeing as its taken me nearly half an hour just to write this, I thought i’d just put up a message to say i’ll be MIA for (HOPEFULLY) a few days. I will be back with loadsa posts and reviews that I have lined up and in the meantime, I shall leave you with my favourite songs of the moment. 😀
(I’m sorry but this song is absolutely brilliant and all those who say otherwise are telling lies, fairytales and fallacies.:D)


February 8, 2012



  1. Damn girl, I hope you are better in a few days 🙁
    nerve damage is no good, I know all about trying to write/type with that opposite hand, rest up and come back to us soon x

  2. Halima says:

    Oh em geee, girrrl, hope you get better soon! xx

  3. Ughhh, amazing! We are obsessed with that MIA vid and Lana del Ray is our new fave! Love your blog!

    PS. We've a DORIS giveaway on our blog! Check it out, if you'd like! 🙂

    ox from NYC,


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