Happy New Year guys! I hope everybody has had an awesome holiday and have filled yourselves to the brim with food and drink! I hope 2012 brings loads of happiness and new inspiration for everyone.
On Boxing day I went shopping for a few bits and pieces for the New Year:
1. Queen Helene’s Cocoa Butter Face Scrub.
(I will be doing a review on this within he next 2 weeks!)
2. MUA Pro Palette 
(Using this palette in the meantime while I save up for Naked 2!)

3. MAC eyeshadows in Plum Dressing and Carbon. 
(I saw Plum Dressing in the MAC store and knew I HAD to have it; it’s so gorgeous and highly pigmented. FOTD coming soon!)
4. MAC Paint Pot in Painterly. I’ve heard such great things about this product so I thought i’d try it for a bit as an eyeshadow base.
5. MAC Brow Pencil in Stig.
6. MAC Lipstick in Spice as Nice
MAC Lustreglass in Beaux. (I love the name so much lol!)
And there we have it!
I know i’ve been posting a lot of hauls lately; In the future I plan to post a lot more FOTDs and hopefully tutorials. What do you guys think? What would you like to see more of on here? All thoughts taken into account!
Did you have a good holiday? 


January 1, 2012


Christmas Haulage!

  1. Imo says:

    Plum dressing looks so lovely. Look forward to reading your fotds

  2. Sharon says:

    Happy new year!Great haul love evrythn! Hope2see Fotd,beauty buys&anythn u wanna share

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