I feel really cheeky for writing an ‘updates’ post as it’s only little old me, lol!
- So, I haven’t been around as much this week as I’ve been on my
deathbed in hospital recovering from an asthma attack – I’m going to be resting at home for about a week now and I have so many ideas for new posts/updates to the blog so please bare with me, stay tuned and a huge thank you for still reading!
- Are you ready?! #HarryPotterMegaFan. The final installment of Harry Potter will be released next week and I have promised myself that I will NOT cry when I go to watch it! It’s really hard because we’ve all grown up with Harry Potter and now it’s the end of an era…*sniffs*
- The Only Way is Blogging event hosted by London Beauty Queen will also be happening next week. So if you are a beauty/fashion blogger in London or you can make your way down to London, RSVP HERE!
- I’ve been getting a lot of requests from people in regards to beauty PR contact information and internships. I will be posting up a list of top PR agencies within the next week so stay tuned!
- Non-beauty related, but I’m currently trying to start up a monthly book-club based in London. Since Summer is
“allegedly” here, I thought it’ll be cool to rally up some folks, chill outside in the open and have a good ole’ chinwag over some good books and food/drink! If you’re interested, please comment so I can get a good grasp of numbers.
Hope all of you are having a great week and I will be posting shortly!
Sorry to hear you had an asthma attack and are in the hospital, I had asthma as a kid and I KNOW it's not fun . . .hope you are back on you feet in no time.
I love your idea for a book club,I would definitely love to sign up for that, if it ever comes off the ground
Mwah x x
Oh no! I hope all is well with your health my love.
And the book club=PERFECT IDEA!
get well soon babe and about thue book club:
im down!