When it comes to eyeshadows, I always tend to wear darker colours come Winter time; I have no idea why, but it’s become routine for me. I love blues and purples and so when I heard that Sleek were coming out with a pallete dedicated to darker colours, I was so excited!

There are two palletes in this collection: Good Girl and Bad Girl. I didn’t purchase ‘Good Girl’ because I didn’t think the bright colours would suit my skin-tone. I am extremely impressed with the ‘Bad Girl pallete’ though!

(With flash)
I LOVE it. All of the colours are intensely pigmented and are easily blendable. All the colours now have names as well!

(Top Row)

(Bottom Row; kinda did these in a hurry. I’ll redo the swatches later 🙂 )

Both palletes are in-store and online now priced at £4.99


November 4, 2010


Sleek's "Bad Girl".

  1. How I wish to have SLEEK in our country..
    wantd this sooo bad ..lucky u! 🙂

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