So like, after ONE MONTH of being utterly penniless, I finally got paid and had a bit of a Mini-Splurge on some make up and other things, which I thought I would share with yall. 🙂

First up, I bought the last two books in the Twilight Saga, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

As I type, I am halfway through breaking dawn and I have a couple of comments:

1. What’s with all the peadophilia? I know the whole Werewolf thing is supposed to be complex and magical and whatever but seriously. It’s slightly perverse to me. (I won’t say what happened just incase you haven’t read it yet lol)

2. I’ve decided that I hate Bella. She’s a selfish whorebag. If your vampire boyfriend doesn’t want to give you the peen then why do you keep of forcing him?! I would have gone to Jacob a lawwwwwng time ago. He sounds like a bit of a freak if you ask me 😉

3. That giving birth scene was just disgusting for me to read. Made me feel all…weird and stuff. When they release the 4th book as a movie, they should rate it as a 15 frankly, because seriously, I wanna see sex scenes!! It ought to be interesting and I don’t want my right taken away from me because of small children smh lol.

So next, for the first time ever in life, I bought a facial wash:

I’ve always been reluctant to buy facial wash because I didn’t see the need to when I already normally use facial scrub (St Ives baby!) But i thought i would test this out and see how it goes. I bought it from Tesco and it’s called MySkin Daily Facial Wash, especially for teenage skin..Now i know i’m twenty years old but still lol :(. I must say I LOVE it! It’s not too heavy on my skin and it smells beautiful and leaves my skin SO soft it’s unbelievable. I’ve now found myself just touching my face randomly these days lol, beautiful. 🙂

Then I got a coconut body scrub from Treacle Moon:
OMG this smells utterly DI.VINE!! The coconut scent is extremely strong, in a good way which I love. Only issue I have with this is that the exfoliation beads aren’t that big so it feels like a body wash as opposed to a scrub, but it does leave my skin feeling really soft.

Next is a must for anyone! Palmers Cocoa Butter lmao:
I love the smell of Cocoa Butter, but I bought the fragrance free version because it was cheaper. WHY is it cheaper sans the smell wtf?


After reading on Sam’s Blog that body moisturiser is too heavy for facial use, I went out to buy facial moisturiser for the first time- Superdrug’s own branded Vitamin E cream. I don’t have the time or funds to be buying arty farty brand name moisturisers lol, we in a recession!! Anyhoo this cream is really good..and it will last a HELL of a long time because you literally need a pea sized amount for your whole face!

And finally: I’ve started using products by Dr. Miracle. I love it and i’m definately seeing changes in my hair in terms of growth. I haven’t used this yet so I cannot review it, but it better do what it says on the tin!

So yessum, That’s my mini-haul for the moment, I may post the makeup bit in a bit.
I’m outty!

Steph x


August 30, 2009


My Mini Haul! (Part One-Creams & Ish & Books)

  1. Viva La Fashion says:

    breaking dawn was my least fav book. i don't like the story line at all and i think that I would've liked it so much more if she'd stopped at three books.

  2. steph says:

    I know right?? It's too long winded!

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