I don’t know about you guys but when it comes to board games, I can be exceptionally competitive. My game of choice? The one and only Monopoly. Up until lately (ahem…), I had never lost a game due to my savvy and somewhat wise investment decisions *straightens moustache*, so when I found out that Joe’s […]
It’s been a loooooooong time coming. It’s safe to say that me and Youtube have had a bit of an estranged relationship. As much as I’ve always wanted to do youtube videos, my confidence regarding how I appeared on camera always held be back and I would abandon ship. Well NO MORE, because I decided […]
Italy has always been on my list of top 10 places I’ve wanted to visit so when I found out that British Airways were offering great deals on trips to Naples, you better believe I snapped it up! My boyfriend and I went to a small town abut 6 miles outside of the city centre […]
It’s Mothers’ Day (UK) this Sunday and I’m sure by now you guys have been researching the best gifts and bits and bobs to get your Mums. In addition to that however, how about treating her to a home cooked, slap up meal (or even baking her favourite dessert)? I’ve always preferred making gifts and […]
As a massive book lover, I’ve somewhat been ashamed of myself of late as I haven’t been buying or reading, as many books as I would normally do. It’s had nothing to do with the lack of time; it does take me around 1.45 hours to get to and from work each day so that […]
Okay so I think I may be about a week (or 5) late with this review, apologies! The last month has been crazy busy and anyhoo I thought it would be good to trial the toothpaste and mouthguard/mouthwash for a longer period of time. If you haven’t done so yet, read my previous post on […]