As a way to feed her creative streak while studying Law at university, Stephanie created her blog (previously known as ‘Nerd About Town’) in 2008, before influencing as we know it today entered the popular zeitgeist. 

Stephanie writes on a range of different topics, including; plus size fashion, beauty and skincare, personal thoughts and musings, body image and travel.

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Click the links below to read Stephanie’s blog posts. 

I don’t know about the majority of you guys, but in my household it was the standard procedure to have our home furniture & accessories kitted out in all IKEA everything, and it also didn’t help that we lived 7 minutes away from one of the biggest branches in the country! Now that I am […]

Jazzing Up The Bedroom with NEXT Home!

December 26, 2014

So last Sunday, myself along with a good 28 or so other bloggers were invited by the awesome Olivia  and Nadja to an amazing tea party event which was held at cute kitsch cafe Drink, Shop and Do up in Kings Cross. From the outside, the cafe looks pretty small, but once you venture inside it’s pretty […]

Events | The #BloggersTeaParty: All the fun

October 19, 2014

Yes kids; we are officially within stodge food season and between this and watching The Great British Bake Off, I’ve been cooking up a bit of a storm recently. Yeast is something that I’m pretty new to, as it’s so easy to get wrong,  and so I thought to ease me into it, I thought […]

Recipe | Vanilla & Orange Glazed Cinnamon Rolls

October 4, 2014

June 21, 2014

A couple of times a year, I like to give my room a bit of a face lift depending on my mood. As we’re in the midst of early Summer, I thought I’d introduce some white decor into my room. Eventually, I’d like my room to be mostly white as I have quite a small […]

Summer Decor with IKEA.

I’ve been reading graphic novels for nearly four years now; you can say it’s become a passion of mine and so I thought I’d make it part of today’s Sci-Fi & Fantasy post. I’ve always been a bit of a geek (hence the title of le blog) but I’ve only recently incorporated fantasy novels into my […]

And Now For Something A Little Different…

December 11, 2013

For a lot of us winter is the time for chunky knits, hot chocolate an cosy nights in watching Pixar movies (or maybe that’s just me), but’s a time where we can all indulge in a bit of thick, stodgy food to warm our bellies and hearts! Now I love a good bit of […]

STODGE: Lamb in Herb Pastry Parcels | Recipe

November 21, 2013

 Follow me on Instagram @stephanieyeboah