Photography: Kaye Ford
Well, we finally made it lads. 2021. I guess.
Actually no, I shouldn’t say ‘I guess’, as it’s a miracle any one of us made it through the cesspit that was 2020 alive and/or mentally, emotionally or physically intact tbh.
Anyway, according to the last update (as we know how frequently the rules regarding quarantine are subject to change at the last minute), we are still in Lockdown and may potentially stay here until March or so. Fun times! Over the last year, I’ve been relying on loungewear and comfy PJs to get me through, seeing as I’ve been self-isolating for the most part since the week after my birthday in May last year.
Whether it’s binging Bridgerton in the living room, taking work Zoom calls (with my outfits always being business on top and a loungewear party on the bottom), sleeping or just wandering around aimlessly around the flat, I’ve been doing so wearing some of my favourite lounge pieces.
At the start of the first lockdown, there was a bit of a loungewear boom, with retailers being unable to keep up with the demand, but now as we move further into 2021 and lockdown chapter III, it seems as if we have more choice than ever before, with the caveat being that plus-size options are still pretty limited in comparison to the broad spectrum of different pieces available on the market.
Here I’m wearing a modal orange print PJ set that has fast become one my favourites as the pyjama shirt can double as a ‘regular’ shirt that can be worn tucked into boyfriend or skinny jeans for a casual 90’s look.
Here are some loungewear sets that have recently caught my eye – click the photo to take you to the page!
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