Upon arriving at the Strand during day one of London Fashion Week, I could already tell what kind of day it was going to be; red. Red red everywhere. Red shoes, red scarves, red jeans, red coats, it was inevitable that cherry red was going to be the next big colour on the fashion scene this season.
Fast forward a couple of months and it is literally EV-ERY-WHERE. Now, I’ve always had a complicated relationship with this colour. As much as vivid colours look amazing on darker skin tones, the red undertones in my skin  have just never seemed to get along with it; annoying AF tbh.
It’s gotten to a point where I’m currently biting the bullet and drinking a healthy dose of ‘fuck it’ for most things. In this case, I decided to wear different shades of red to mix it up a little and provide a little depth and dimension in this otherwise ultra-casual outfit. This is currently my go-to outfit, having worn this exact combination about 4 or times times now. It’s very casual and the leopard print Chelsea boots add a nice pop of colour (I mean it’s not like the outfit is popping already tbh…).  Continuing on with my Mum jean escapades, I picked up these distressed Mum jeans from ASOS Curve in the Black Friday Sales too. YOUR GIRL JUST LOVES A GOOD MUM JEAN! They are comfy AF and they tend to go with anything. It’s also the first time I’ve purchased jeans that weren’t indigo or black tbh. Living on the edge, me.
Anyway, long may this red reign continue! I have my eye on a few pairs of red Chelsea boots, some sort of mesh red top and a red tote bag. I need all these things.

Coat – Evans // The Future is Equal Tee – Lindex // Mum Jeans – ASOS Curve // Chelsea Boots – ASOS

Photography by Sarah Ellen Treacher

Shop for some red stuff!



December 8, 2017



  1. Susan Akyeampong says:

    You look amazing!! Have really loved reading and following this blog this year <3
    Susan Etc

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