So I thought I would try something new(ish) and start a new series on the blog every Wednesday entitled ‘We Go Together Like…’ (which may or may not have been inspired by a certain 70s cult musical CLASSIC). The premise of the series is for me to pair different items together which I think fit, or….’go together (etc)’. It will be anything from my favourite lipstick and liner duo, to items of clothing, layering fragrances or even food or music choices. Fun right?! Yes. Yes it is.
So without further ado, I’ll be starting off with a lipstick/liner combination that I recently started doing that I think is pretty cool: 
The perfect plum pair in my opinion (YASSS for alliteration!). Rebel is one of those shades that suits EVERYBODY and has such an intense pigmentation. I’ve found that paired with Nightmoth, another deeply intense shade, it kind of makes the lips look a tad smaller as well as more plump if that makes any sense whatsoever.
Rebel’s longevity is brilliant; with an average lasting time of about 6 hours. I normally find that I never normally need to re-apply as the Nightmoth does well at holding the lipstick in place. To achieve the sorta-kinda Ombre look, I applied Nightmoth to the perimeter of my lips, as well as slightly filling in the bottom. I then applied Rebel in blots, blotting my lips as I went so as to blend the lippie into the liner. I think the result is quite pretty, don’t you think?
Rebel on its’ own is a pretty intense colour, however adding the even MORE intense Nightmoth underneath catapults this look to mega-vamp status. 
What do you guys think?
Do they go together?

Beauty, Uncategorized

April 1, 2015


SERIES | We Go Together Like…(#1)

  1. love love!! I need Rebel in my life 🙁 lol!

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