I’ve always had a bit of a wavering relationship with Benefit; on one hand, I do adore their kitsch packaging and unique marketing campaigns and on the hand,  just can’t find anything from the brand that matches my skin tone! Quite annoying really.
On the way to Italy, I stopped by World Duty Free at Gatwick Airport and had a little wander of the beauty isles when this little travel set caught my eye. It contains six of some of Benefit’s best selling products and so I thought to make a cheeky purchase seeing as it allows me to test some of their most loved products and that it was tax free!
The pack contains;
That Gal Face Primer
Now I’ve heard great things about them all from other bloggers, however whether they will work for me is another story. I can already tell that Dandelion may not be dark-skin friendly (first swatch) as it shows up pretty chalky and dusty on my skin when applied very lightly, which is a shame.
I think my favourite of the bunch may be Watts Up! (third swatch from the left); I’m really into highlighters and bronzers at the moment and this colour applies really well, has a light, airy texture and the champagne pigment seems to suit my skintone nicely!
As for the primers, I think I’m going to try and work with them a bit more before posting my final opinion however on first impressions, I am really liking the texture of That Gal. The texture of POREfessional has a lovely velvet finish, however leaves a slightly white, chalky residue on the face which can quickly be hidden with foundation. 
Overall I am pretty excited to be trialing the products and upon first impression, I am impressed as I honestly believed none of the products would ever work with my skin type or colour. Only time will tell!
Are you a Benefit fan?
What is your favourite product?

Beauty, Uncategorized

March 31, 2015


Losing My Benefit-ginity with World Duty Free

  1. Milly says:

    I love some Benefit products, although a couple have disappointed me (They're Real eyeliner – love the mascara though!) This is a really nice way of trying out new products! 🙂

    Milly //

  2. Donna says:

    I'm curious to see what you think of the products. I have felt the same; pretty packaging but not much in the range for a dark skinned girl like me. Looking forward to your results.

  3. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    Thanks! Out of all of them, I think I'm currently enjoying Watts Up highlighter the most! The benefit is "meh" at best. Doesn't show up at all on the cheeks and is pretty faint on the lips!

  4. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    omg i've heard about how disappointed people were with the They're Real liner! I never bought it but it looked pretty shoddy from the offstart!

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