Please believe that I had a pair of back-up boots in my bag ready for whenever I needed ’em. It was freezing! Today I thought I’d give you an array of neony-zestiness, seeing as I don’t tend to wear much colour often. I think this top is the first yellow item I’ve ever worn – how rubbish is that?? I definitely plan on switching up my colour palette this summer though as i think brighter colours may suit me.I absolutely adore this Longline Duster Coat by Simply Be – It’s incredibly comfortable and I’ve been wearing this throughout the Autumn and even a few days here and there this Winter. The Jumper, scarf (which I could have probably done without, upon reflection) and pencil skirt are all from Primark.
I love the dual tone horizontal print of the skirt, which is kinda scuba-ish in texture. It does have a tendency to roll up at times though which is a tad annoying, but the colour is so striking that I could almost forgive that. I also do like me a good sandal at times, even though I can barely walk 300 years in them before I’m asking for the mobile trolley! I managed to nap the last pair in this colour from Next, some time ago.

Jumper – Primark
Scarf – Primark
Longline Duster Coat – Simply Be
Neon Shoes – Next

Style, Uncategorized

January 28, 2015



  1. Mayah Thomas says:

    This is such a cute look. I love how the neon top just pops and how you mixed the patterns. Great style! xx

  2. allthefs says:

    Colour definitely suits you!

  3. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    Thank you Mayah! <3

  4. Colour really does suit you! I think as we grow we know what suits us! This whole outfit when I say it on IG I was like o.O what she trying to do to me ha! You're looking stunning and confidence is showing. I see you giving them eyes don't try fool me. The shoes too I tend to bypass Next a lot but they really do have some nice shoes on there. (they just gotta stop charging me for these damn catalogues)

    TBH I have clothes in colour but I feel so off in them at times. I know my colour palette and what I feel comfortable in but that's not to say I shy from colour but I'm that Hip-Hop Grunge Fabulous type JLo Meets Kate Moss – Yeah I said it lmao. xo

  5. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    1st of all….WHY ARE THEY CHARGING YOU FOR CATALOGUES? That is absurd. They tried to send me one of those encyclopaedic Home catalogues – I was like "nope. Not today. Jesus said no." and returned it. Can you imagine? I didn't even know they charged for it! *checks statement*

    And thank you love! I do feel a lot more confident these days – I don't know why but I like the direction its' going in. And I love your style! Your wardrobe gives me 'Daria' via Kate Moss. I love it. <3

  6. Yeah they send the first one free and then they charge you for the 'larger catalogues'. That's what happens when you don't read T&Cs lmao I've still refused to pay the £3 something.

    I haven't opened this one it's a small one so I'm unsure if there's a charge but it's going back, if my nan hasn't opened it. *sprints to look*

    YES! Well it's certainly radiating outwards whatever good vibes you are feeling. It's great though because you're going towards a path but you're liking it and that's all that matters.

    Haha ok the JLo clothes are stuffed in the back with the bronzers LOL but yas honey. My grunge // hiphop lifestyle is just so me. I need that black & grey and flannel to live lol! Can you tell I'm stuck in the 90s and I'm mourning it xo

  7. Lio O says:

    I love this look! The vibrant colours look amazing against your skin tone. Xx

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