When it comes to me and brushes (with the exception of foundation brushes), it’s typically every man, or brush, for itself. All my non-base products are essentially “multi use”; lip brushes as contour brushes, contour brushes as mineral powder brushes etc, as long as it applies on well, It’s not a big deal for me.
The same goes for my eyebrows. Of late, I’ve started the routine of using a concealer around the perimeter of my brows and blending it out in order to achieve fleek-worthy, sharp slugs. For this, I’ve been using the Eco-Tools Eye Enhancing Duo Set (£6.99), which I purchased from Boots.
The duo set, intended for eyeshadow use, consists of two double ended brushes: a Shade/Define brush and a Blend/Smudge brush. To be honest, I couldn’t even tell you how to use these brushes traditionally because I seldom use eyeshadow, however I use the Define (slanted) brush to outline my brows with concealer, and the Smudge brush to, you guessed it, smudge and shade the concealer out. 
I adore these brushes; the bristles are fine, very soft and  are easy to manipulate and blend without being streaky; I also have a thing about bamboo/wooden brushes; I think they do look rather pretty and best of all, they are 100% animal cruelty free!

I’m currently in the midst of collecting more brushes; my makeup station needs updating and I’ve always found Eco-Tools brushes to be of great quality and remarkably inexpensive – you can’t really go wrong to be fair! *eyes up the eco-tools stippling brush*.

Beauty, Uncategorized

January 31, 2015


Eco-Tools Eye Enhancing Duo Set…For my Brows?

  1. Lesley X says:

    I really want to try eco-tools. These look so lovely! x

  2. Ooo I'm so interested anything for brows lol. I use slanted eyeliner brushes for my brows more than the brow brushes as I find them too thick almost and I like mine tight and slim! Then again I'm growing out my brows at the moment *sigh* the joy!

  3. I really like Eco-Tools brushes too, but I've lost a couple of mine! (a good excuse to pop to Boots and buy a couple of new ones!) I'm going to check out the stippling brush, they're my fave type! Thank you for your comments on my blog, Steph! In re: full size Roller Lash – The packaging design is different to the miniature sample, but I think the brush is the same. It might be bigger in size, I'm not sure, but the design/function is the same.

    Loving the new blog design, for sure! Pipdig are soooooooooo good! x

  4. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    You gotta love a good slanted brush, man. Yeah I find the traditional brow brushes really chunky, not useful at all!

    – ooh are you using Rapidbrow again?

  5. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    I've heard so many good things about their stippling brushes! I think that deffo needs a purchase. And thank you! Pipdig are so awesome!

  6. Stephanie (Nerd About Town) says:

    You should! Couldn't recommend enough 😀

  7. They are chunky lol one of mine feel like it wants to take out off brow hairs instead of adding anything helpful.

    Not this time I did debate it. I'm leaving it all up to genetics. I did shape them the other day one needs to grow in a bit but I'm satisfied – for now xo

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