
I first saw this peculiar object on Instagram last year where I thought to myself, “how does this…what?” and instantly wanted to know more. Introducing the Mega Effects Mascara by Avon(£10.00)

The Mega Effects mascara is a very interesting contraption, with apparently took over 5000 hours of Avon research and development, 6 years of work and feedback from over 2000 women around the world and promises to be “clump-proof, sweat proof, non smudging and non flaking”. The mascara applicator is called the Wonderbrush, which is a never seen before patent-pending applicator that you can adjust at different angles depending on your preferences. 
The idea behind this is that you can tailor the applicator to perfectly fit your eye contours and to be as close to the lash line as possible so that it can grab every lash from root to tip, putting 40% more mascara on lashes than a traditional Avon brush.


In regards to concepts, I place Avon at the forefront when it comes to developing innovative and never-seen-before products so I was pretty geeked to see what this offering would be like. Now, the mascara is not without its’ qualms, but we’ll get to that in a minute. Firstly, I do love the ‘paintbrush’ applicator from a developer’s point of view. It’s different, it’s quirky, it makes the consumer want to use the product. The applicator’s 3-spiked brush vaguely reminds me of Givenchy’s Phenomen’Eyes Mascara, with the exception being that the latter’s applicator is circular. 
The comb has these tiny spiked spores which does pick up my lashes from root to tip, covering them in an intense black formula that do make my lashes stand out. In terms of longevity, the mascara does go the distance, even when rubbing or crying ( stressful days at work!) and my lashes maintain their telescopic lengths throughout the day. With all this being said however:
Here comes the critique. As I stated above, I do love the applicator itself as I find the design unique and quirky, however I will say that it’s pretty darn fidgety. A bit much for my liking. Normally when I’m going “out” out or if I want to put on a bit of face for work, I take no longer than 15 minutes to do my makeup. I found when using this mascara, it took me about 7 minutes just for my eyes, which could be due to the following:

– The amount of product that ends up on the applicator; I find I have to keep wiping off and wasting so much product, even though the mouth of the bottle is pretty snug when releasing the applicator. I’m not sure why this is.

– Smudging. There have been a few times where I’ve had to redo my lashes as there’s been a fair amount of smudge going on. Because the applicator cuts so close to the lash line, it’s inevitable that some of the product will end up getting on (and sometimes in) my eye. 
Above: wearing the Mega Effects Mascara. As you can see, there is a bit of smudge-age around my top and lower waterlines, however I’m impressed with the length of my lashes!

I’m still getting to grips with the applicator so I’m sure that the more experienced I am with it, the less the above situations will happen. I think it’s important not to be so heavy handed with this as you’ll probably end up with a lot of wastage. Overall though, I’m very impressed with the design, packaging and formula of the mascara and a huge kudos to Avon for coming through with another unique product! I would recommend this to all, even if you just want to experience using the applicator. It’s pretty dope.


February 22, 2014


Avon Mega Effects Mascara | Review

  1. Ooh! That looks interesting! I'm not sure I'd ever get used to it though after using traditional mascara wand for almost ten years though!
    Imogen's Typewriter. <3 

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