You ever randomly come across some skincare products and think to yourself “why is this so expensive?!”. Well, that’s exactly what I thought when I first heard of the Aromatherapy Associates skincare range.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not stingy but it takes a lot for me to “splash out” on a product. Anyhoo, last year I received a 3ml sample of one of the oils at an event. I thought to myself “what the heck is 3ml going to do? I’ll hardly sense a thing!”
Obviously I was wrong.
Fast forward a year, and I finally decided to purchase more of the oils by way of the festive gift set that came out last Christmas. I thought buying the gift set would be better than getting a full sized one, as it’ll give me a chance to try out the different scents before purchasing one full size. I bought this last year during the Christmas collection so unfortunately, this particular gift set is not available.
As I work full time at quite a stressful place of work and have to get up at 5am every day, coming home and having a relaxing evening is something that is extremely important to me as it allows me to unwind and have “me-time”; something that is very rarely afforded.
The festive pack includes:
Deep Relax Bath & Shower Oil
Relax Light Bath& Shower Oil
De-Stress Mind Bath & Shower Oil
De-Stress Muscle Bath & Shower Oil
Revive Morning Bath & Shower Oil
Revive Evening Bath & Shower Oil
Support Breath Bath & Shower Oil
Support Lavender & Peppermint Bath & Shower Oil
Support Equilibrium Bath & Shower Oil
Inner Strength Bath & Shower Oil
Each 3ml vial comes packed with a concoction of blended organic oils such as lavender, ylang ylang, rosemary, sandalwood, patchouli along with many more. They can be used either before getting into the bath/shower, or during. I normally pour a vial into the bath after I get in. Let me tell you; although these babies are small, don’t underestimate them as they pack a real strong punch. One tiny vial is definitely enough to give off a super strong scent and have your bathroom smelling like a spa.
So far my favourites include the Deep Relax and the De-Stress Muscle bath oils as i’ve found that they have helped me out the most when I’ve had a hard, long day at work. The scents are extremely potent and solid without being overpowering and definitely helps me to unwind and de-stress. As an AA convert, I think it’s time for me to grab the bull by the horns and pick up a full sized bottle!
Aromatherapy Associates Bath & Shower Oils (Full Sized) | £39.00 | Available online x Selfridges/Liberty
Aromatherapy Associates Miniature Bath & Shower Oil Collection | £32.00 |
What do you do to unwind?


February 1, 2014


Aromatherapy Associates: Festive Collection

  1. I have this set and it's just SO amazing isn't it?! Each of the vials are just so amazinggggg.. I love them all, and will repurchase as soon as I've used them all xx

    Gemma //

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