Oh blogging, how I miss thee!
I haven’t blogged “properly” for a good couple of weeks as there has been so much going on life- wise, so I thought I would do a little updates’ post about some of the things that have been going down of late.
New Yawwwwk! – Okay so if you follow me on twitter, you would have probably seen me moaning, complaining and generally frantically chatting about places to stay within New York. That’s because this Saturday I’ll be heading NY bound for a month! As I type, my suitcase remains unpacked and my room still looks a tip as I’m still trying to sort out what to take and all that jazz. This trip has been due for quite some time now and I cannot wait. Me! In the big City! Alone!
*The mess you see before you is all the stuff I’m taking, or considering taking to NY. I can’t be bothered to pack yet!* |
I’ve already drawn up a short list of things I’ll be getting from Sephora/CVS/Walgreens so they better watch out! I’ll also be doing a ‘Steph in NY’ blog series while I’m there too so make sure you check that out!
AVON Calling! – About three weeks ago, I had the honor and privilege of attending a photoshoot put on by Avon with a couple of other blogger girlies as part of the Avon Beauty Clinic Experts campaign. The whole event was awesome and it was organised by the incredibly lovely
Katie and Lucy from Glam Gleam and beauty blogger awesomeness. It was also lovely to meet the other bloggers to spend an evening talking about makeup and other things. I’ll leave their names/links here!
The articles will be available on the
Avon Connects website soon. When I get the link, I’ll let you guys know!
Charlie – This year, I’m really trying to get my photography mojo back. It’s been a while since I’ve taken any proper photos or have done shoots but photography has always been my first love and ergo t only seemed right to upgrade my camera for Charlie. Charlie, is the name of my new camera. I named it after one of the characters in Scandal (do you watch Scandal? If not, WHY NOT?
It’s nearly the season finale and I am so hyped!). Expect clearer pictures and more photography based posts from now on!
*Together we can take on the worrrrld! Well…London!* |
My Birthday n ting. – Last Sunday (5th May) was my 24th birthday. X_x. An age I was seriously not looking forward to. 24 is just such a weird age; you’re too old for some things, but still young for others. I’m forever young (and that’s how it’ll always be damnit) and I still get up early to watch a bit of Sky Disney before work so telling people that I’m..*sighs* 24..is just a shock. Anyhoo, I had a nice day with a bit of chocolate cake to boot so…all’s well that ends well eh? 😉
Me in my b’day FOTD. All MAC everything. Ruby Woo and Matchmaster 9.0 |
Anyhoo, those are about for the time being. The next time you see a post from me will probably be when I’m in the states – that’s if I don’t sneak in a couple more posts beforehand!
Steph xxx
Ohh NY BOUND. Good luck and have fun and omg HAPPY BELATED. I'm so sorry I missed that – all us Taureans you, me & Annie lol now I know dates for next year must write them down. You look gorgeous btw, absolutely stunning xo
HAVE FUN! Your braids looks absolutely stunning girl! I wish my hair took to braids well (it always comes out dry and brittle when I do). I looooooooooove thick glorious braids that you can twist up like that. You're gonna turn heads in the big apple!