There’s something about orange oil that really agrees with my face for some reason. Orange oil is normally used in skincare for those with oily skin, however when I use it my skin just seems to clear up in no time. I’ve used a few brands containing said oil, however I’ve been wanting to try Burt’s Bees’ version as I’ve heard wonderful things about this particular cleanser. I picked this up in the local Walgreens Pharmacy when I landed last week (a steal at only $8/£10.99!) and haven’t been able to put it down since.
Infused with orange oil and soap bark extract, the plant-based face wash helps to remove dirt and makeup, as well as unclog pores and remove excess oil from the face.
Benefits of Orange Essential Oil
– Anti-Inflammatory properties
– Natural Antiseptic for cuts and bruises (and pimples!)
– Detoxifying the surface of the skin
– Promotes the production of collagen as well as increase the blood flow in the skin
The cleanser is fluorescent orange in colour and has an extremely strong mandarin scent. I am not a fan of Mandarin scents so the smell is not for me, however overall I am impressed with the quality as well as the ingredients in the product. Because of the awesome benefits of Orange oil, it’s an ingredient that is mostly found within the more expensive skincare ranges so it’s great that Burt’s Bees have managed to make the cleanser more user friendly!
Other ingredients include;
 – Glycerin
-Olive Oil
– Orange Peel Oil
– Aloe Juice
– Oat Oil
The product cleanses my face thoroughly while leaving a lovely light, citrus scent and the few blemishes that were around my cheek have now disappeared so I think I’m onto a winner!


Available at Boots for £10.99 here

Beauty, Uncategorized

May 19, 2013


Burt's Bees Orange Essense Cleanser

  1. Gina McDowall says:

    I like the style of your blog, +you've got some really good photos! xx

  2. Yomi Adegoke says:

    Burt's Bee's is generally amazing! They have really good lip stuff 🙂

    *Unrelated to post* Where are your glasses in your avi pic from, they are really strange and I want them lol.

    • steph says:

      I've never tried their lip stuff but I would love to! Apparently, they have really good lip balms?

      Thanks! I got the glasses on eBay for £5 – search "8 bit glasses" and it should come up. 🙂

  3. I'm still yet to try Burts Bees. This cleanser sounds lovely. When my cleanser runs out will have to look into this.



  4. Very interested in this. The properties sound perfect x

  5. I currently use Clearasil for my face cleaner but I'm looking for some more organic/natural and I've heard good things about Burt's Bees brand. Definitely going to check it out!

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