I’m usually not one for buying deep cleaning skin products or anything with the word “pore” in it as I usually associate it with oily skin, whereas my skin type is typically dry/sensitive. Lately however, I’ve been noticing that my T-Zone has become particularly oily, with some blocked pores to boot. I made this discovery a few weeks ago while applying makeup and I did that really yucky thing where you squeeze your nostrils against your nose really hard to get out all the sebum and oils/dirt. The grossness. =/

Ever since then, I’ve been using Avon’s deep pore cleansing scrub with the key active ingredient being salicylic acid. Now, as someone with sensitive skin who’s more keen on natural products, the word “acid” in any ingredient list often makes me a tad anxious. I did a quick research on the acid and found that it is primarily used to help clear and prevent pimples and aids in making pores smaller. As it only contains 0.50% in the scrub, I thought I’d  give it a bash.

The deep pore scrub is part one of Avon’s three step Clearskin Professional range aimed towards those with dull and oily skin. At the moment, I’m only using the pore cleanser to clean up my t-zone. The consistency of the scrub is quick thick and is similar to that of a clay mask. It contains tiny exfoliating beads to help penetrate and cleanse the top layer of skin. Personally, I’m a big fan of thick/creamy exfoliating products so this is A-OK for me!

 I have been using the cleanser three times a week for three weeks and I have noted a significant difference already around my nose and forehead; it’s a LOT brighter and my T-zone has evened out and is no longer oily. I honestly thought that with this being a product being predominantly for oily skin, that it would dry my skin out more, however this wasn’t the case. It has a cool, cucumber/mint smell, isn’t drying and exfoliates extremely well. I now limit the usage to once a week just to give my face a nice deep clean.

This product has definitely changed my opinion on some deep cleansing scrubs! I would be very happy to purchase this again.

£5.50 | Available on the Avon Website


May 8, 2013


Avon Clearskin Professional Deep Pore Cleansing Scrub

  1. Stacey Kane says:

    this sounds great, I don't think I've tried any Avon skincare before will definitely have to have a look next time I get the Avon book. Great review 🙂 x

    Stacey| Beautiful Solutions

  2. allthatslap says:

    This looks great and sounds perfect for me – with my oily/acne prone skin. I will give this a try once I am done with my huge stash of skincare products.

    Great price too! xx

  3. I like the sound of this, price is good too. I just love those deep down dirty clean outs lol xo

  4. Makeup and Henna says:

    This looks good, I might go for it as I have horrible oily skin with nose full of blackheads. Gross. Great review.

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