As somebody with dry skin, I always try to change up my skincare regimen twice a year; taking more care to moisturise and exfoliate during the winter months. Today I thought I’d show you the products that I use to take care of my skin and a little step-by-step of my nightly regimen. *WARNING* There will be multiple photos of my naked, un-made face. Proceed with caution!
First up, I’ll list the current products that I’ve used. I’ve done reviews on nearly all of them, which I will link to also.
-Decleor cleanser and toner duo – link
– Antipodes Divine Face Oil – review link
– Naked Skin Bare Faced Cheek Face Wash
– Naked Skin 12 hour Moisturiser – Review Link
– Rio Sonicleanse Sonic Brush – Review Link
Step One: Cleanse & Tone

In the first picture, I have a face full of slap on. I apply Decleor’s cleansing milk on my skin, rubbing it in on some areas to shift the makeup. I then use a chunk of cotton wool to remove the cleanser, rinse my face, then use another bit of cotton wool to cleanse my face (photo 2) with the toner. 
What I love about Decleor is that their products are really mild, yet effective and so can be used on the most sensitive of skin.
My erotic ‘toning’ face. Am I turning you on? Of course I am. LOL
Step Two: Re-Cleanse with Sonic Brush

I then use Naked Skincare’s Bare Faced Cheek face wash to give my face the once over to take away the last traces of makeup. I only do this step if I feel like I have to be extremely thorough. At this point, my skin would be quite sensitive so I only use the brush for around 30 seconds.
Step Three: Rinse & Moisturise
I then wash my face with ice cold water and then mix the Antipodes face oil with the 12 hour moisturiser.
I’ve recently been adding Rosehip oil to the serum for a little anti-aging kick. In the evening, I do like a over-moisturise my face so it can really sink in and make my face soft when I sleep. Lovely!
So, this is the finished result; a fresh, albeit slightly oily face for bed time!
How do you change up your regimen for Winter? What are your go-to products?


December 9, 2012


Winter Skin Regimen; Step by Step

  1. Sarirah says:

    Really liked this post! I like seeing what products people use for their skincare routine with photos as sometimes I'm too lazy to watch youtube versions. :p I've been mixing Trilogy rosehip oil with steamcream for the winter. Oil and moisturiser is a great mix. Also, that Decleor toner sounds lovely. 🙂 x

  2. marty says:

    thank you for this.
    is the naked facewash drying at all?

  3. steph says:

    @Marty, not at all! Its for sensitive skin especially so it's not drying at all x

  4. Imo says:

    Ive just discovered antipodes and now Ive got my eye on a few new bits too

  5. sharon p says:

    Great post,I love ur routine babes!

  6. steph says:

    Thanks guys!!

  7. I don't really change uo my routine forwinter from summer,but I guess I should. My fave product line is Aveeno. I love the foaming cleanser, and the moisturizer which has a broad spectrum SPF of 15. I've also started adding tea tree oil to my cleanser because of it's antifungal/bacterial/viral prperties which does wonders for my stubborn forehead acne. My acne cleanser is Clearasil Acne Wash/Mask & my exfoliating scrub is Neutrogena Naturals Exfoliating Scrub.

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