As the days get colder, I find myself craving more and more homemade soups, broths, casseroles and other filling yummy things :). Inspired by Callie of From the Corners Of the Curve‘s gorgeous soup that she Instagrammed the other day, I decided to get off my butt and grab some ingredients to make my world British London Croydon famous Irish broth. This recipe was handed down to me by my Mum who got it from her Irish foster Mother and it’s such a firm favourite in our family. It’s extremely filling as well as being uber healthy so if you’re up for it one day, give it a go!
Irish Winter Broth
– 3 shallots
-3 cloves of garlic
– 2 sweet onions
-Gravy granules 
– A packet of seasonal vegetables (I know Tesco do a packet, however if there aren’t any pre-packaged seasonal vegetables in your local Supermarket, then use one Turnip, one Parsnip and 3 whole carrots.)
-Chicken Stock
– 6 sausages (can be any flavour; I prefer mine plain so it soaks up all the yummyness)
– 3 potatoes, peeled. 
-Dry Basil
– Coriander
– A hint of Paprika
– A teaspoon of Cumin
-1-2 Maggie Cubes if they are available in your area.
1) Prepare your vegetables. Roughly chop your shallots, onions and garlic and soften in some oil (anything but Olive oil, as it will sour the overall taste) over a medium heat for about 6-7 minutes.
2) Once the onions are softened, pour as much water into the pot depending on how much soup you want. I’ve made my batch in order to last me the rest of the week, so I poured in about 5 full glasses of water.
3) Once the water is simmering, pour in your chicken stock. I use chicken stock instead of vegetable stock as it makes the sausages very tender and the soup quite rich.
4) Roughly dice your Parsnip and throw them into the pot. Parsnips take the longest to cook so always put them in to boil for about 15 minutes.
5) While the parsnips are boiling, roughly dice your turnips, carrots and potatoes ready to be put in. After 15 minutes, add the turnip. After a further 15 minutes, add the potatoes and carrots and simmer.
6)After they have simmered for 10 minutes, add all your spices and herbs and the maggie cubes for taste. You then add in the chopped sausages and about two tablespoons of gravy granules. 
7) Lower the heat right down and stir occasionally for another 10 minutes. When you see a thin film of oil sitting at the top, then it is ready!

Voila! It’s nutritious, filling and a great winter warmer. 🙂
What are your favourite winter warmers?

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

November 5, 2012


Winter Warmer | Homemade Irish Broth Recipe

  1. This looks so Nom!!!! Glad that I came to use for something haha!!xxxx

  2. sharon p says:

    Looks very yum! Great post x

  3. Ahh, I'm hungry right now and this does look yummy xo

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