Ahhh to be a cat.
As some of you may have read in my recent weight loss post, I am currently on an ongoing weight loss journey – having tried all the different diets under the sun, I feel i’ve hit my plateau in regards to lbs lost and so at the moment i’ve just been floating around the same number, despite efforts to lose.
So imagine my sheer and utter joy when the lovely Lauren from Jenny Craig contacted me to try out the diet plan for two weeks?! Uh…yeah! 
Jenny Craig is a diet food plan that has been around for the past 20 years in the States (And only 2 years here in the UK) which individually caters to you depending on your height, weight and dietary information. Every week, you’re provided with 21 meals and 7 snacks that are sent directly to you, which need to be supplemented with fruit and vegetables that you get yourself.
After speaking to a customer sales rep on the phone who went through some health questions with me, I received my mahoosive box on Friday containing two weeks worth of meals, as well as a diary planner and my own customized menu.
The size of the box, as modelled by my lovely bear, Clitty. (Don’t.Ask)
I will be starting the plan tomorrow (Monday) and I will be posting up a one-week review after the first week so you guys can see how I’m getting on, as well as what I think of the food. In the mean-time, you can also follow me on Instagram where i’ll be taking looooads of photos of the food (complete with cool filters :D) 
Have you guys tried Jenny Craig?


September 16, 2012


Jenny Craig: First Impressions

  1. Betsy Boat says:

    Thats so generous of them! Losing weight can be really hard (trust me I know, I'm on my own weight loss journey!) I'm excited to see how you get on with this plan so do keep us updated!

  2. DawnieP says:

    wow this looks amazing! I've never heard of Jenny Craig which is amazing as I think I've been on every diet in the world ever! This looks like such a good idea, and how great that they went through health questions with you. I hope it works a treat for you but I think you look amazing at the moment!



  3. B says:

    You go, girl!! Best of luck in your endeavors. You will do amazing!

  4. G A B Y says:

    That's awesome that you got to try this for free because it's effin' pricey! I still can't believe they don't offer a vegetarian option though x

  5. Sharon says:

    This sounds awesome,wishing u all e best babes& can't wait to hear about your progress!!

  6. Sabra says:

    Sounds like a healthy hassle free way to lose weight. I'm still going ask. Clitty?? Lol

  7. Only YOU could have a bear named Clitty!

  8. steph says:


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