Natural Afro hair can be such a kerfuffle sometimes. The washing, the de-tangling, conditioning, de-tangling, deep conditioning then RE-de tangling with conditioner can take a huge chunk out of one’s day as well as my pocket, so for the last month or so, I’ve been on a mission to find a conditioner that encompasses all of the above. I have been scouring the natural hair message boards and one brand seems to be the front-runner among natural girls; Shea Moisture’s Organic Shea Butter Treatment Masque. 
I bought mine from the website and it arrived around 4 days later.

The 12oz tub contains a conditioner with ingredients such as sea kelp, my beloved shea butter, argan oil, avocado oil and carrot oil. 
Shea Moisture says that the conditioner ‘deeply moisturises and repairs hair, while providing a protective barrier for the hair from heat.’ 
After I detangled and shampoo’d my hair, I applied a generous amount to my hair and left it on for an hour with a shower cap on. It has a lovely smell that is not too overpowering (it smells a bit like beeswax) and it has a soft, cottage cheese-like consistency. After keeping it on and washing it out afterwards, my hair did feel a bit softer but what really stood out was that I could detangle and comb through my hair with such ease,  compared with the normal 1/2 hours it normally took to dry and detangle my hair.

I also used it as a curl enhancer to define my curls while styling – although it didn’t hold the curls as much as I would have liked it to and it made my hair all frizzy. You ready? *covers eyes*

In future, I will stick to using it as a deep conditioner as it seems to work for my hair in regards too nourishing and moisturising my follicles. 
The 12oz tub is priced at £9.99

What are your favourite conditioners?
Have you used this product before?


August 19, 2012


Shea Moisture Organic Shea Butter Treatment Masque

  1. I probably need this in my life. my natural hair tangles so easily in the coils plus i need a new deep conditioner – lola x

  2. Sharon says:

    This sounds great, I may have 2try it!

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