I’ve had quite a few people on Twitter (and at work) ask me about my braids so I thought I’d do a post on them today! I understand a lot of you will know the whole ins and outs of this hairstyle already, so this is for all who don’t know.

So in April as some of you may know, I chopped off a lot of my hair that had been chemically processed, leaving only my natural roots. I’m currently on a mission to grow and maintain my natural hair up to a length where I can comfortably wear it in public. At the moment, my hair is a bit too short so I use braids as a protective hairstyle, while my hair grows underneath.

What extensions/ type of hair do you use?

I use a brand of synthetic hair called ‘X-pressions’ – in colour 1 or 1b (off black)

Why Braids?

Braids is known to be an effective way to preserve and shield natural hair from the elements. It’s a very low maintenance hairstyle which can be worn in a variety of different ways. Buns, up-dos, half-ponytails etc.
How long does it take?

Depending on the thickness and the length you want, it can take anything from 4-12 hours. I had mine done 3 times now and because they are quite thick and not that long, they took around 4 hours to complete. However you can get them anything from bob-length, to butt-length!

How do you wash them and how long can you wear them for?

I wash mine every 2 weeks with a no-sulphate shampoo and dry as usual. The length of time you can wear this style again depends on the length and the thickness. With mine, I normally leave it in for about 2 months/10 weeks and then take them out. I would say the maximum they should be left in for is about 3 months, as the weight of the braid can cause your hair to break (especially around the edges/hairline where hair is weakest)

Coconut oil, Sweet Almond oil and Shea butter are great moisturisers for the scalp while wearing this style.

I will be taking out the braids next week and I want to try something new; maybe a weave, but the hair (brazilian etc) is sooooo expensive so i’m stuck really. If you have any ideas, please comment below!


June 4, 2012


Natural Hair Talk: Braids

  1. Dionne says:

    What about kinky twists? I love that style, it's easy and low maintenance

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