The beauty blogging community went haywire with the launch of Revlon’s Lip Butters early this month.
Most of us (me included) had been awaiting a UK launch date for the LONGEST time after seeing various vlog and blog reviews from our US cousins, now the time has come!
Left to right: Candy Apple, Raspberry Pie, Macaroon 

I’ll just get straight into the brass tax; the packaging is gorgeous! Sleek, sophisticated and streamlined. I love the bright candy outer shell which is engraved with the signature Revlon cross-hatch design.
Revlon say:
 “Buttery balm with beautiful shiny colour to give you baby soft, healthy glowing lips”
The collection originally comes in 20 different colours, however only 13 of them have been released in the UK for some reason, which is a shame as the shades all look pretty similar.
The butters do what they say on the tin; they are extremely moisturising and I’ve found them to last all day. No surprise there as they contain cocoa and shea butters. When it comes to the pigmentation however, I’ve found that i’ve needed to go over my lips at least a few times for the colour to show. It’s a non-sticky formula, however i’ve found it to be a bit….greasy upon application? I feel as if I would need to use a lipstick brush in order to apply it evenly. 
My least favourite of the bunch is Macaroon. I don’t know whether it’s the colour or the finish, but we just don’t get on. I think it would suit someone with a lighter complexion, personally.
As you can see above, this one is quite greasy. It also has tiny glitter particles encased within the gloss too; glitter lipbalms/glosses/sticks are not my thing personally so I wasn’t 100% please with this particular shade.
Candy Apple was a bit better. It reminds me of MAC’s Ruby Woo but in a balm version. 

 I love the fact that it looks like a lip stain! It’s a great tool to use if you’re a bit scared to transition to a full on red lipstick. 

Last but not least, is my favourite, Raspberry Pie. It’s just gorgeous!

I have nothing negative to say about this colour; it’s simply perfect. In fact, I think i’m going to order a few more just so I have some back up. πŸ™‚

Available at Superdrug and Boots. 
Have you tried any of the Lip Butters yet?
What are your favourites?


March 31, 2012


Revlon Colourburst Lip Butters x3

  1. Miss Dre says:

    Raspberry Pie looks so beautiful on you! I think I want to try it as well! I have Lollipop and Cotton Candy.

  2. These look amazing on you baby!

  3. caise says:

    I've never tried them but I've already read lots of great reviews and I might have to buy one πŸ™‚

    this Raspberry Pie is goooorgeous! and your lips are so beautiful

  4. I'm also not a big fan of glitter particles in my lipsticks/balms. The last two shades are gorgeous on you though πŸ™‚

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