So, while watching something on the telly yesterday, I came across the (somewhat) new advert for the Prada Candy perfume:

I absolutely adore it!
The advert is catchy, colourful, frantic, playful and passionate; all the elements that make up the description of the perfume. I’m so tired of seeing the same old generic adverts with seductive women walking half naked along to a jazzy soundtrack with a view of the Parisian skyline in the background. It’s so blase so it’s so refreshing to see an ad that relates to the product in question!
I also really love this J’adore Dior Perfume advert too:
But I love it mostly because I am in HEART with Charlize Theron!
What are your favourite adverts?


December 10, 2011


*Gasp* *Shock!* A Perfume Advert That Actually Makes Sense…!

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