Feliz Navidad to all!
How has your day been?? I tell you, mine has been so hectic today! I woke up around 7am to start prepping, then my Mother suddenly became really ill (we suspect she has the flu :() so she went to bed and I was left to prepare everything on my own which was so stressful. This year, we had 17 people over so as well as the traditional food, I had to prepare LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOADS of African food as well, to be honest, I don’t even know how I got through today but it was awesome as i got the chance to spend time with the family that i don’t get to see often!
Here’s a peek at what I got:

I’m not really big on presents, but this year was a straight win for me. I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan so I was so geeked to receive these! I won’t be opening the book set as I want to preserve it. (Heh)
My dad also got me a gift card from MAC (how did he know?!)

Anyhoo, I can barely type right now as i’m slowly slipping into unconsciousness, so until next time, hope you’ve all had a great day!!
Steph xx


December 26, 2011


Christmas Time..Mistletoe and Wine..

  1. cute ! very cute ! 🙂

  2. Yey. Lots of love for harry potter!
    Great blog


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