One of my FAVOURITE Christmas songs ever…it’s so stupid, LOL!

Anyhoo, for the past 3 years or so, I haven’t really ‘celebrated’ Christmas (the whole paganism thing puts me off) HOWEVER this year i’ve decided that since i recieved no birthday presents this year (¬__¬), i’m owed at least 4 xmas presents this year. I have no shame in confessing that i’m being totally materialistic this year. 😀

On my list:

obviously with the last two films included!

That’s about it really!!
What do you want for Xmas?


November 15, 2011


So excited you might wee, PROPER CRIMBO.

  1. Shortiee31 says:

    I am buying (bought) the Harry Potter 1-8 boxset as a Christmas present for myself!
    Pre-ordered mine on Amazon for £25! Can't wait 😀

  2. steph says:

    Is it only £25?!?!?! WTF, Oh i'm SO getting it!!!!

  3. Girl, my xmas list can go on for days lool.

  4. yemi says:

    DMs are my favourite on the list! but for some reason I'm not really coveting anything :/

  5. Shortiee31 says:

    The Nerd – I KNOW! I don't think you can get a better deal than that! I REALLY can't wait to get it! 😀

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