Hi guys!
If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you would know that for the past week, I had been uber excited about attending
Handpicked Media’s blogger event of
the season; Handpicked Media goes Social!(#HMPSocial)
In this post I am going to give a blow-by-blow account of the day, as well as put up some photos, vids and key advice from the speakers. Click to read more!
(n.b this will be quite a heavy post!)
For those who don’t know, Handpicked Media is a social media agency who represent a collective of independent websites and blogs, be it fashion beauty or lifestyle. Check them out
here! Yesterday’s event comprised of beauty and fashion panels, talks from some of the countries’ top publicists and Bloggers and loads of treats at the Beauty Bar! But more on that in a sec.
So, me and Shortee31 from Little Beauty Blogger met up at Regent’s Park and traipsed down to Portland Place for the event (the place was very fancy) where LOADS of bloggers had already lined up. We checked in and were given our goody bags (which were AMAZEBALLS) and led to the beauty bar for the chance to network with other bloggers and get some breakfast before the talks began.
Not even 9am and Shortiee is alerady drinking. Tut!

Joy to the World, Epiphanniea and littlebeautyblogger
We were then led into the conference hall and the conference began. Here are a few of the tips and tricks from the speakers that I have summarized below;
- Commenting on blogs is extremely useful as it allows you to interact with your readers and show that you appreciate their readership.
- -Update your blog regularly; at least two to three times a week. Use tools to drive in traffic; socialmarker.com and sexybookmarks.shareaholic.com are great for bookmarking your blog.
- SEOs. Knowing what keywords to place in your posts are so important! Tag your posts appropriately and rename your images to what you are writing about, eg. Instead of “IMG_374”, rename as “Maybelline_Falsies_Mascara”, Google will index this in their images!
- Increase your internal links and write/include guest posts!
- Add your blog link in your email signature and nominate yourself for beauty/fashion blog awards, even if you think you have a slim chance; it gets your name out there.
We then had lunch and me and the girls went to Nandos. Somehow, this randomness happened along the way:
Then another break, there were a lot of free goodies so it did get rather packed:
Me getting my lashes done over at the Shu Uemura bar. I look horrid!
Lily ( LLYMLRS) getting her hair blow dried by Hershesons Blow Dry Bar! They also did Shortiee’s hair too:
The Beauty Panel:
– Dill (Owner of For The Young Dude)
Quotables from the panel:
- ” I don’t know how I became so popular really! It’s all down to my personality. I always put a lot of heart into what i write and I’m very enthusiastic. It’s all about perseverance and consistency when it comes to establishing a good blog.” – Fluer
- “I disclose everything i review; I don’t judge people who don’t choose to, but I think people should disclose PR samples and sponsored posts. Also, don’t feel pressured to always give a positive review. You have to be comfortable enough to be honest.” – Beauty Junkie
- “You don’t need all the extra special effects and stuff to make a video. It’s all about the content, not quality.” – Beauty Button
It was such an amazing amazing day!! I would love to thank everyone who I encountered and a big shout out to Handpicked Media for such an informative day!
Did you attend yesterday?
Love you post on the event looool and the video is just classic loooool
Hahaha right?! Cheers! It was such a fun day. 🙂
Love it!
This is a fantastic report on the event, I couldnt make it – I am so out of the loop with these things. I loved both videos you'd uploaded here, the one of you and the girls make me smile, you all seem so happy and fun. i LOVE it. Thank you for writing this! I read every single word of it xxx
Cheers Stef!!
Aww thanks so much @TempSec! It was really fun, next time there's an event (i think they will be doing another one soon actually) you should deffo come along!
Looks like u had fun,very informative post,Thanks for sharing with us love e pics&video
LOL it was such a fun day. Was great to meet you and spend the day with you xx
great post, it looks like you had a fab day, thanks for sharing! x
Ah this event sounds fabulous! You know what im a northern bird I live so far away from LDN (last time I went I was 12!) but now Ive read/seen your ace vids I feel up to speed! Lovely post…and dont be silly you dont look awfal!
Thanks for the tips honey. Looks like you had a fantastic day. We're def gonna have to meet up soon 🙂
Thanks for such a good write up of the event, glad you had a good time, hopefully see you at the 2012 event.
Ciaran from Handpicked
Nice post, good summary! I just found a link to your blog through the Handpicked Media site. I was at the event too but didn't get to meet you. It was so packed, wasn't it? Good fun though.