Hiya guys!
As some of you may know, I have a bit of a thing for photography and so this month I decided go create a little project for myself which involved taking photos around London; showcasing both the urban and rural sides. I wasn’t able to take that many photos because life and work got in the way a bit, however I’m very pleased with the photos i’ve taken and I hope you like ’em too, so i thought i’d show a little sample!


May 25, 2011


London Adjacent. [My Photography Project]

  1. Dominique W. says:

    From one photographer to the other AWESOME WORK!!! You have a great eye! What's your tool of trade?


  2. Stephanie says:

    Thank you love!!

    I use the Canon 1000D with an 18-55 and 50mm!

  3. Such beautiful Pics Stephy baby!

  4. Natalie Kay says:

    BEAUTIFUL pictures! x

  5. Dominique W. says:

    I use Olympus now but I have shot with Canon SLRs before. I need to buy one of my own. Love the sharpness and clarity of the photos

  6. Oh wow! The fox photos are just incredible!
    So not only are you gorgeous, intelligent and a wonderful person, you are also talented too? Share it out will ya? 😉

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