….Well…not really seeing as I hate Summer lmao (I cannot stand heat!). I got that title from a Simpsons episode I watched recently.
Anyhoo! Today has been such a beautifil sunny day and so I thought i’d take a trip to Primark to pick up a few pieces for Sprinf/Summer, and here’s what I came back with:
 Primark – £18

Aqua baggy cruise top – £4 Primark
Safari high waisted shorts – £10 Primark

Assorted necklaces – Primark £2.00/£4.00

I’m really looking to gather some more items for this Summer!
Have you got your new Spring wardrobe yet??


March 23, 2011


Sunshine On My Shoulders Makes Me Happy….

  1. yemi says:

    love the shoes! x

  2. Sher says:

    also love e shoes

  3. Shirley says:

    I was eyeing those shoes up, but had to control myself! I've got that necklace hehe! Lovely photos! 🙂 xo

  4. Stephanie says:

    Thanks guys!

    @Shirley Primark are reeeeally stepping their game up aren't they?? I wanted to buy so many, but had to restrict myself lol! 😛

  5. Black Crayon says:

    Love the depth of field…

    Have a look at some of my pics


    Black Crayon

  6. Mz More says:

    Whoah I need those shoes in my life. Nice!!!

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