Isn’t the title catchy? LOL
Anyhoo, for the LONGEST time, i’ve always wanted to dye my lashes a really deep black – my lashes are quite bushy and so I wanted them to stand out a bit more so i went to Superdrug and bought this eyelash kit from Eyelure, which can also be used for brows:
I believe I bought this for around £6
This is what came inside the kit:
Here are my eyebrows before (excuse the unruly brows that are in desperate…DESPERATE need of a threading 🙁 )
I mixed te dye with the activator in the plastic case provided and applied to my brows ( I put Vaseline around the perimeter of my brows beforehand) and left it for 3 minutes:
And….voila..i guess?
I’m mildly impressed, even though the colour change is not THAT mahooosive. The hair feels a lot smoother as well and i think it’s an excellent value for money!
Has anyone else used this?