Yeah so…
I couldn’t think of a witty title for this post so I settled for the Prince classic!
Anyhoo, so today I thought i’d go on a bit of a purple slurge, seeing as I have no purple eyeshadow products whatsoever, so here are my finds:
Sleek’s Kajal Eyeliner which came out a few months ago. The colour is AMAZING and extremely rich.
My only worry is, once you get halfway through the product, would there be a way to sharpern it for a more precise tip, without damaging the rest of the product?
The colour has pale blue undertones which I love. I think “cool” purples suit darker skintones, so I shall be using this product throughout the summer!
Next up:
‘Famous’ by Sue Moxley. I discovered this range only today in Superdrug, and the makeup range is really good! I was really surprised at how great the quality is! Swatches coming up:
As soon as i remember the prices and shades, i’ll write it up!

Beauty, Uncategorized

May 16, 2010


PurpleRain…PurpleRaiiin (Or something Like that…)

  1. Chic Therapy says:

    lovely shades of purple

  2. Jonesy says:

    I love the purple! super cute

    Nice blog post : ) following your blog … have you had a chance to follow mine and check out my new post? Would love for you to stop by when you are free.

    Hope to see you there!

  3. hey hun! i'm having a makeup sale on my blog so please feel free to check it out! =D

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