Hiya peeps 🙂
Ok so i’ve been fiddling around with the layout today..I wanted to keep it VERRRRRRY simple and basic this time round so i hope you like!
At the moment, i’m looking to change the header title font, but the sifrgenerator.com website is down and I can’t find any other website that can generate fonts =(
Does anybody know of a site?
Also, let me know what you think about the new site!

pps – can someone please tell me why none of the music players will work on my blog? I’ve tried myflashfetish and other sites, but everytime I embed it…it won’t play and I have NO idea. The file URLs are all correct and i’ve downloaded the latest flashplayer and shockwave..but it doesn’t work =(


January 14, 2010


Change of Layout

  1. With Love, Elle says:

    its good to change! very interesting ^^
    xoxo elle

  2. Katlynne LaSalle says:

    Hey Stevie! You've done a great job.

    About your music player, did you get it at mixpod? If so, there are some songs that are actually videos and you used to be able to put those on any of the players featured on mixpod, but now, they will only play if you pic a mixpod player that will show the video.

    Hope this helps…

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