Hey Guys!
Soooo i’ve been thinking for a while about doing a giveaway and I thought…Why not! I guess it’s a lil thank you for taking time out to read my random blog with me chatting random stuff all the time lmao! So without further ado:
First Prize:
The Body Shop: Cocoa Butter Body Scrub 200ml
Lush: The Godmother Soap Bar (Handwritten as the original label text rubbed off)
Miss Sporty Quick Dry Clubbing Colours Nail Varnish in No.2
The Body Shop: Deep Sleep Shower Gel (Sample Size)
Lush’s Charity Pot Hand & Body Lotion (Sample Size)
Lush’s Cosmetic Lad (Sample Size) 
4 Lip Smacker Chap Sticks in; Cotton Candy, Cookie Dough, Bubble Gum &Skittles Berry Punch
 (The bubble bar in the photo fell and crumbled!! So that’s not in it anymore..Womp 🙁
 And because i’m feeling festive…I’ve included some NEW one-day Hazel Contact lenses from “Freshlook” aaaaaaaaaaaand….a bottle of party bubbles!!
Boobie Prize(Actually 2nd Prize but boobie sounds better and funny LMAO):
Soap &Glory: Flakeaway
Soap &Glory: Hair Supply Repair Mask

 To Enter:
1. You must be a subsriber to my blog
2. Post about this givaway on your blog and and then post the link in the comment section under.
3. Tell me what your New Years Resolutions are!
Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL.  The Deadline is  midnight on New Years Day!(not eve…DAY lol)
Good Luck!!


December 19, 2009


Steevie's First Giveaway!! (Closed)

  1. Aishaa says:

    My new years resolution would be to not let things get to me. & controlling my anger & strive for excellence in school like my nigerian parents say haha 🙂

  2. Shadé says:

    My new years resolution is to be more outgoing and to not be so shy. Also try not be sad and alone on my bday (FEB 14) http://www.eighty-vii.com/2009/12/giveway-alert-steevies-first-giveaway.html

  3. Rai says:

    My Resolutions: Get a new job & license… oh and be more positive.

    Here's my post: http://laxmorena.blogspot.com/2009/12/steevies-first-giveaway.html

  4. Mz. More says:

    My New Year's Resolution is to not worry over things that are beyond my control. I have been working on this for a while, but need to work a little harder.

    I blogged about your giveaway here:

  5. Hacer @ Makyaj Günlüğü says:

    Thanks for the giveaway and happy years !!!

    My New Year's Resolution is getting a better job and find somebody to love =P

    I have an seperate part about giveaways on my blog. You can see it on the main page.

  6. dsy says:

    thanks for the giveaway.. got me drooling.. 😉
    My New Year resolution.. that would be to get pregnant.. not an easy thing for me since I had endo and some stuff going on.. wish me luck 😉

    I also blog about this giveaway here

  7. Shaim says:

    Nice giveaway girl
    My New Year's Resolution list is too long to mention but i will just make it simple as i can
    first of all i have to take care of my self and health more and stop thinking about small silly thing , keep searching for new job and keep drawing to achive what i really want .
    I blogged about your giveaway here

  8. AzZy AzZ says:

    Hey thanks for the giveawya=]

    Well my new years resolution is to..

    -Get a Job
    -Get a car
    -Get my Liscence
    _and be nicer to my boyfriend =]

    I did a post on your blog too =]


  9. Niika says:

    great stuff…

    my new years resolution is to pass my upcoming exams and finish my associate degree.


  10. The Beautifier says:

    Hey beautiful:) thanks for entering in my giveaway!

    Congrats on hitting your 50+ followers!

    I am following you now. Please enter me in your lovely giveaway 🙂

    My New Year resolution is to stay healthy and fit, to make lots of good friends both in real as well as the blogging world, not to worry too much over silly little things in life!

    I have included your giveaway in the footer section of my blog, under the title 'giveaways'. Please let me know if its fine with you hun. Myblog link is:-

    My email id is:-

  11. Kax24 says:

    hi, i'm a new follower 🙂 please enter me! 🙂

    this coming year, i resolve to be less bratty and more friendly with people. i also need to watch my mouth! word vomit tends to get verrry embarrassing.

    here's a link to my blog post: http://druggedcandy.blogspot.com/2009/12/more-giveaway-contests.html

  12. contests and such says:

    Great giveaway! I love Soap & Glory products!

    I'm a follower and i posted about your giveaway here.
    My resolution is to keep my desk at work free of clutter, to not buy tons of nail polish and to use all the nail polish that I currently have.

  13. Daya, muito prazer... says:

    Daiane Negretti
    follower: Daya, muito prazer…

    My year's resolution: get a job!!!

    posted here:

  14. Angela says:

    Im a follower and I blogged it here

    my new year resolution is to be more organized with my makeups.


  15. luckyfinds says:

    I shared your contest at http://luckyfinds-shareapic.blogspot.com/2009/12/steevies-first-giveaway.html

    My new year's resolution is to imbibe a healthy lifestyle and to go two sizes down


  16. luckyfinds says:

    I shared your contest at http://luckyfinds-shareapic.blogspot.com/2009/12/steevies-first-giveaway.html

    My new year's resolution is to imbibe a healthy lifestyle and to go two sizes down


  17. Calia Yang says:

    I'm a follower and i posted about your giveaway here:

    My new year's resolution is to take more pictures of my hubby and I. We hardly have any!

    thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

    calia yang

  18. makeupdivaa♥ says:

    I'm a new follower of your lovely blog!
    I have posted your giveaway in the side coloumn section of my blog, under the title 'who is having a giveaways'. please check out my blog :-


    my email is sarahali101@hotmail.com
    ..hope its ok?!

    Resolution is so overrated for a new year so this year I want to do my wish list instead of a resolution. Wanting is not bad, wanting is motivation, wanting drives you. So, without further a due, I present to you my wish list for 2009.

    one of my wish for next year is to visit UK wit my family.Meet man of dreams and shop at MAC and get Iphone 3G and mac book and .. so many other things ..lol

    my email sarahali101@hotmail.com

  19. Ana Rita says:

    I'm a follower ^^
    I'm spreading the word on my blog (sidebar): http://lets-talk-about-beauty.blogspot.com/

    My new year resolution is to study more =O


  20. Naka says:

    I'm so happy I found this blog ^^

    I posted the giveaway on my blog http://www.lollipopsandcandyfrocks.blogspot.com

    My New Year's Resolution is to take more of myself and be nicer to people and stop thinking that baking cookies will make everything alright XD

    I'm a follower too :3

  21. Vanessa says:

    my new year resolution is being more friendly and learning how to play guitar better 🙂

    i blogged about your giveaway here: http://ribka-vanessa.blogspot.com/2009/12/giveaway.html


  22. ART OF NAIL says:

    yay what a great giveaway, sweetie, love it…
    im a follower, i blogged about your giveaway here, at the right side of my blog:
    hmmmm…my new year resolution is to gain weight, new gadget, have a business…merry christmas!


  23. ~Lisa says:

    I'm a follower

    I blogged here:

    Follow me too?

    My New Year Resolutions are to stop procrastinating and to keep exercising!!


  24. Ashwini says:

    Hi, please enter me! I blogged about your giveaway here:


    My new year's resolution is to go vegan. I need all the luck I can get!


  25. Marisa says:

    I'm a new follower 😀
    My new year resolutions is to save some money!
    I posted about the giveaway here: http://glowmake-up.blogspot.com/2009/12/sorteiosgiveaways_22.html
    thanks for this giveaway!

  26. Sherlyj says:



    My new years resolution is to get better in Chinese and Korean and not lose what I've learned.

  27. rhaindropz says:

    My new years resolution.. i'll save up for myself =) as a breadwinner.. all of my earnings were for my two younger sisters education..

    im a subscriber sweetie..

    i spread the word here:

    hugs and kisses

  28. gracie says:

    My new years resolution is to lose weight! whoa! im really huge!

    i posted yout giveaway here:



  29. Andreja says:


    * I`m your follower.

    * I have blog about this giveaway on my blog here:

    * My new year resolution is to try to forgive one person for hurting me.

    * E-mail: andreja.av@gmail.com

    Thank you and merry christmas!

  30. Foxy Frangipani says:

    Hello hello..
    I blogged about yr giveaway here:

    My NY resolution: Regulate my yoga practice 🙂

    Happy Xmas!


  31. Fee says:

    Hi! I'm a follower and here is my blogpost:

    My resolution this year is going to be set more time aside for studying and less time for me. XD (It's severely unbalanced!)


  32. Rhea says:

    hi, i'm a follower, here's the post abt ur giveaway: http://thechainnail.blogspot.com/2009/12/steevies-first-giveaway.html

    new yr resolutions: win ur giveaway(lol)
    meet the jonas brothers
    concentrate better on my guitar lessons
    paint more paintings

    my email is rhea.katyal@gmail.com

  33. Gabriela says:

    My new year resolutions is to spend more time with the people that I love.

    I posted your giveaway here: http://conbdebelleza.blogspot.com/2009/12/seguimos-con-los-sorteos-navidenos.html (you can use the Google button traductor on the right to traduce it).

    My email is: conbdebelleza(at)gmail(dot)com

    Thank you!

  34. Sherry says:

    I am follower ;D

    blogged http://anothercontest.blogspot.com/2009/12/steevies-first-giveaway.html

    resolution to earn more money than year 2009.

    sherrygo at hotmail dot com

  35. With Love, Elle says:

    thanks for the luvly giveaway! my NY resolution is to not overfeed my luvly Dory the pug! lol

    i blog ur giveaway in my blog here!

    good luck everyone!
    xoxo elle
    ps: im a follower too!

  36. h. says:

    I resolve to get off my butt and exercise more.

  37. I'm a proud follower 🙂

    I blogged about this awesome giveaway here:

    My new years resolution is to change my life around! I'm hoping to study something new and get healthier. 🙂


  38. Hi, enter me please!
    email: ksdkemp@gmail.com

    My New Years Resolutions are to attempt to be kinder, hardworking, helpful and to start exercising regularly.

  39. Aik says:

    Hi, I'm a new follower. My new year resolution is to study hard and obtain better results in exams.

    Blogged here:

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  40. Jean says:

    I'm another new follower~^^

    My New Year's Resolution is try my best in new semester (which is the final semester), finish up my thesis asap, and perform well in my job in 2010!!

    my post about the giveaway:

    my email:

  41. Tazim says:

    My resolution is to be in the BMI 21-22 range!


  42. Huguette E. says:

    I'm subscribed via google feed reader

  43. My resolution is to be a better person in the coming year. I follow ur blog jacksond@nhr3.net

  44. love to win this prize package. I am following on goggle friend. jacksond@nhr3.net

  45. Kym says:

    I am a follower 🙂

  46. Kym says:

    My New Years Resolution is to be a little bit more glam next year!

  47. Robolegojupiter says:

    Hello from Austria, thank you for your giveaway!

    I am now a follower of your blog; my user ID is Robolegojupiter.

  48. Robolegojupiter says:

    My New Years Resolution:

    Get to work and paint, work on craft projects and sell them!

  49. Andrea says:

    Hi, I'm new follower… and my new year resolution is to work more.

    Great giveaway!!!!

  50. Danyale N. says:

    new years resolution is get rid of drama in my life addicted2freebies@gmail.com

  51. Hey ur giveaway is amazing!!
    i'm following!!!
    well my new year resolutions are
    1.Do something new to my hair
    2.By a new camera
    3.Be more stylish
    4.Change my room
    5.Loose some weight

    i posted about ur giveaway to my blog here is the link

  52. Huguette E. says:

    My new year's resolution is to lose weight to get healthy.

  53. T-Charry says:

    you KNOW I'm a loyal follower and i LOVE ya to death girl, thanks for being there for me when I needed to just talk chica….

    and my New Years resolution…I just want to make Mizz Scoop BIGGER & BETTER for 2010 and ALSO as you know, work on improving the love between my boo & I…awwwww!

    *and I DID post the giveaway on my blog OF COURSE!*

  54. Juliana says:

    Just started following!!! YAY! My new year resolution is simply to be happy. I believe that we control our a lot of our destiny at least with our happiness!!!

    Happy New Year! I am a new follower. Come on by to my bloggy blog and follow back if you would like. It is nice to "meet" you!

  55. Ana Celina says:

    I don't have a blog, but I tweeted about the giveaway here:
    My New Year's Resolution is to start to run!

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