Hey people!

I am sooo excited at the moment. I’ve decided that in a few days time, I’m going to start this lighter life diet that i’ve been seeing on TV. After excessive reseach on this diet and its effects, i’ve decided i wanna get into it.
The lighter life diet is essentially the same kinda thing as a Cambridge Diet. They send you food packs every week and every day you eat one pack which is 500 calories. Sounds hard when you’re normally used to eating over 1,500 calories a day huh? That’s what i thought! But in preperation for this diet, i’ve been drastically cutting down my food intake so these days I’ve been eating just one meal a day. The result of this is that I have lost over 10 pounds in 3 weeks..with 4 pounds being lost last week. That’s quite a bad result but it’s better than nothing right?
The downside of this is that it’s foooooooocking exPENSIVE! £60 a week! (which is like $112!) so ‘m going to try it out for 2 months and see how it goes. I guess you could call it the ultimate insentive right? I HAVE to lose weight because i aint spending all that money on nothing haha.
So yes. starting from…hmm..sunday? Monday? Hmm no. After my exams i think…so Next thursday. Yes. Starting from then i shall be documenting my weight loss and see how it goesss..I have many many MANY pounds to lose so this is the start of a new journey for me.Good times. Wish me luck!



August 19, 2009


Diet Post!

  1. Miss.Stefanie says:

    I wish you lots of luck Strphy baby! Im here to talk to if you need someone to lean on!

  2. steph says:

    Thanks so much Stef! I'll deffo need a chat one of these days lol!

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