As a way to feed her creative streak while studying Law at university, Stephanie created her blog (previously known as ‘Nerd About Town’) in 2008, before influencing as we know it today entered the popular zeitgeist. 

Stephanie writes on a range of different topics, including; plus size fashion, beauty and skincare, personal thoughts and musings, body image and travel.

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Click the links below to read Stephanie’s blog posts. 

So I recently stated on social media that i’d like to start writing about subjects I feel strongly about, and I thought I’d start off by writing briefly about a topic that bothers and frustrates me greatly; the portrayal of the fat, black woman within the media and to a greater extent, society.

The Portrayal of the Fat, Black Woman

April 29, 2016

Hello my lovelies! Lately i’ve found myself creating more and more personal content about confidence, self esteem and body image and mental health and so I thought with my latest video on being fat and being confident now up on Youtube (want to subscribe?), I’d list all of my recent blog posts and videos in […]

Fatness, Confidence, Mental Health & Diversity | Resources

January 17, 2016

The above title is not just an incredibly awesome song by super-girl group En-Vogue, oh no, the concept of freeing your mind is a motto that I have tried to live by over the past couple of years in relation to self acceptance and confidence in myself and in this post today I thought I’d […]

Free Your Mind & The Rest Will Follow

November 5, 2015

October 20, 2015

A couple of months ago, I submitted my entry for a Marie Claire plus size contributor competition. As I didn’t get through, I thought I would share with you guys the article that I wrote, as I feel the subject matter is pretty dang relevant right now. Hope you enjoy! _______________________________________________________________________________________

How Diverse Is Diverse?


October 12, 2015

“Oh pipe down Steph. You’re not depressed, you just need to go to Church.”

Thoughts | Blackness & Mental Illness | My Experience

July 26, 2015

 Follow me on Instagram @stephanieyeboah