As a way to feed her creative streak while studying Law at university, Stephanie created her blog (previously known as ‘Nerd About Town’) in 2008, before influencing as we know it today entered the popular zeitgeist. 

Stephanie writes on a range of different topics, including; plus size fashion, beauty and skincare, personal thoughts and musings, body image and travel.

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Click the links below to read Stephanie’s blog posts. 

Let me first apologise if what I’m about to write makes no sense whatsoever; I’ve never been the most eloquent when it comes to writing and I’m very ill at the moment! =/ If you follow me on Twitter, you probably would have seen me tweet an email that I received from a so-called “reader” of […]

#BlackLivesMatter…even to bloggers.

June 20, 2015

I’ve been told various times that I should include more personal posts on here which I think is a good idea as it’ll probably help me process my thoughts better, as well as possibly connect with you guys more which I would love. I don’t have a specific subject for this post so please bare […]

Thoughts | You Deserve.

April 5, 2015

 Follow me on Instagram @stephanieyeboah