I don’t know about the majority of you guys, but in my household it was the standard procedure to have our home furniture & accessories kitted out in all IKEA everything, and it also didn’t help that we lived 7 minutes away from one of the biggest branches in the country! Now that I am […]
Don’t you just love a good luxe candle for those cold nights in during the Winter?! Ask anyone I know about how much I have ached and ached for a Diptyque candle and they’ll tell you that It’s been a part of my birthday/end of exam/Christmas/Graduation//Easter/Cinco de Mayo/Hanukkah wishlist for the past 4 years. Due […]
So I thought I’d introduce a new segment to the blog where every month, I post up things that I reeeeally want and seeing as i’ve recently finished redecorating my room, I thought it only be appropriate that I start off with some home accessories that I am currently lusting over: 1.Set of 3 notebooks […]