It’s Summer guys! Now I don’t know about you lot, but once the weather starts heating up, I absolutely LOATHE wearing any kind of underwear with hints of underwire, or unnecessary straps, fastenings or belts. Unless I’m going ‘out’ out, to work, or on a date (a rarity), you’ll normally see me kitted out in either […]
Imposter syndrome: a psychological pattern in which people doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent, often internalised fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. How many of us have felt like the above at some point in their lives, but didn’t know that there was an official name for it? *waves hand*. Imposter Syndrome is feeling like you’re […]
I talk a lot about self-love, confidence and living your best life on here and that’s all good when trying to get OTHERS to love themselves, however, when it comes to me, the path is not so linear. When I often speak with my readers about the struggles they face and the confidence issues they […]
Oh…hi peasants; My name is Anastasia Solokov-Baxter-Lee-Fassbender. Age? Let’s go with 22. Who am I? Some call me a scammer. A wannabe. A gold digger. Even a whore. Me? I think I’m an entrepreneur. I was raised in South London to a working class family. My family – God bless them – are a lovely […]
Oh hai. It’s me. How are you guys doing? Today I thought I’d bring you an outfit that I’ve been rocking for a couple of weeks now. I absolutely love it, because it’s one of the rare pieces I own where I’ve received loads of compliments from strangers on days/nights out. My confidence hasn’t been […]
How I love re-hashing previous trends; Palazzo pants again? Oh, this finna be a breeze! As a fat, Palazzo/wide legged trousers has been a trend that I’ve admittedly always had a love/hate relationship with. One one hand, they are extremely comfortable and versatile. On the other hand, I’ve never been a fan of how they […]